Criminology and psychology

  • Forensic psychology specialties

    Arizona State Univ

  • Criminology looks at the origins and patterns of criminality, the justice system and the reasons for committing crime.
    Psychology examines the mind to try to explain and predict human interaction and behaviour choice.
    On this criminology and psychology course, you'll study: criminal behaviour.
Criminology focuses on studying crime while forensic psychology helps stymie repeat offenses through psychological evaluation and counseling. The work of one discipline benefits from the efforts of the other, so it's not unusual for criminologists and forensic psychologists to collaborate.
BSc(Hons) Criminology with Psychology is a dual degree that will give you a strong grounding for interesting careers in government and public services.
Criminology looks at the origins and patterns of criminality, the justice system and the reasons for committing crime. Psychology examines the mind to try to explain and predict human interaction and behaviour choice. On this criminology and psychology course, you'll study: criminal behaviour.


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