Cross cultural communication activities adults

  • How to do cross cultural communication?

    Cross-cultural training leads to enhanced cultural intelligence, better cross-border relations, improved negotiation skills, and increased adaptability to diverse business practices.
    Examples of Cross-Cultural Training: Intercultural Communication Workshops.
    Cross-Cultural Negotiation Simulations..

  • What are examples of cross-cultural communication?

    The intercultural learning activities presented in is report include games, roleplays, debates, projects, energizers and simulations that are aimed at triggering reflection among the participants, i.e. the students, the teachers and the broader school community..

  • What are the 5 cross-cultural communication strategies?

    Top Ten Tips for

    Maintain etiquette.
    Many cultures have specific etiquette around the way they communicate. Avoid slang. Speak slowly. Keep it simple. Practice active listening. Take turns to talk. Write things down. Avoid closed questions..

  • What are the 5 cross-cultural communication strategies?

    The types of cross-cultural experiences available today are numerous: travelling, taking a sabbatical, going on a university exchange, applying for a working holiday visa, volunteering, finding a job as an expat, etc..

  • What is the importance of cultural activities in communication?

    The types of cross-cultural experiences available today are numerous: travelling, taking a sabbatical, going on a university exchange, applying for a working holiday visa, volunteering, finding a job as an expat, etc..

  • Why cross cultural activities are important?

    Becoming culturally aware enhances our interpersonal skills, we become sensitive to people's emotions, making communication more effective.
    Finding common ground and getting to know our colleagues on a personal level is important..

Objective: Experience “culture clash” through communication differences in proxemics (space) and kinesics (non-verbal communication). Materials: Party 

What You Need For This Activity

All you really need for this communication and ice breaker activity is a copy of the culture quiz questions and answers and these are listed lower down on

Activity Timeframe & Group Sizes

It depends on if you are running a short course i.e

Suitability For Offline vs Online Training?

This activity is designed such that it can be used in a classroom in person or in virtual classrooms (using breakout rooms). 1

How This Communication Activity Works

For this exercise, participants can work in pairs or in small groups. If you run this exercise in groups

The Quiz Questions

1. When conducting business in Germany, is it best to: 1. Buy local beer and take it to a meeting as a gift

Other Activities You Might Want to Use in Your Lesson Planning

1. Both sides of the fence icebreaker 2

How do I create a positive mood for cross-cultural communication?

Here are two great warm-up activities to create and set a positive mood for cross-cultural communication

This is an easy game to help form groups, played at the beginning of the training to set a relaxed mood and deliver an initial message

Write down members of animal families (grandpa dog, grandma dog, father dog, etc

) on pieces of paper

How do I prepare a cross-cultural communication skills checklist?


Provide a copy of the 'Cross-Cultural Communication Skills checklist' handout to the learner and make sure that the instructions are understood


Work with the learner to provide some practical examples of each skill, identifying any specific skills that are particularly applicable in another country or culture of interest

Why is cross-cultural communication important?

Cross-cultural communication is an essential part of effective teamwork in any international workplace

These light yet handy activities help broaden horizons and lift the veil of stereotypes to create and support a friendly working environment

What games have you used to improve cross-cultural communication in your workplace?


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