Crystallography net

  • What is the website for crystal structure?

    ICSD - the world's largest database for completely identified inorganic crystal structures.
    FIZ Karlsruhe provides the scientific and the industrial community with the world's largest database for completely identified inorganic crystal structures, ICSD..

  • Where can I download CIF files?

    CIF files for many compounds can be downloaded from the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database (AMSD), or from the Crystallography Open Database (COD), for instance.
    A file in the CIF format may contain the positions of atoms, as well as the symmetry group that the compound belongs to..

  • To open a CIF, either:

    1. Click the Open File button on the Main Toolbar, or
    2. Choose File → Open from the Main Menu
  • CIF files for many compounds can be downloaded from the American Mineralogist Crystal Structure Database (AMSD), or from the Crystallography Open Database (COD), for instance.
    A file in the CIF format may contain the positions of atoms, as well as the symmetry group that the compound belongs to.
  • ICSD - the world's largest database for completely identified inorganic crystal structures.
    FIZ Karlsruhe provides the scientific and the industrial community with the world's largest database for completely identified inorganic crystal structures, ICSD.
Open-access collection of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, metal-organic compounds and minerals, excluding biopolymers. Including data and software  Browse the CODObtaining CODJSME searchCIF donators
Open-access collection of crystal structures of organic, inorganic, metal-organic compounds and minerals, excluding biopolymers. Including data and software  Browse the CODWhat's new?Obtaining CODInstalling the COD - Tutorial
Using an open-access distribution model, the Crystallography Open Database (COD, collects all known 'small molecule / small to medium sized unit cell' crystal structures and makes them available freely on the Internet.

How do I add a crystallography plugin to Firefox?

The plugin is based on OpenSearch description format, which is compatible with Firefox and IE7 (we haven't tested the latter yet)

Firefox comes with autodiscovery feature, so to obtain the plugin, please visit www

crystallography net and the option "Add COD" should appear in the browser's drop down menu containing search engines


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