Protein crystallography programs

  • What are the applications of protein crystallography?

    Introducing the sample to precipitating agent can promote the nucleation of protein crystals in the solution, which can result in large three-dimensional crystals growing from the solution.
    There are two main techniques to obtain crystals: vapor diffusion and batch crystallization..

  • What are the techniques for protein crystallography?

    It is extremely difficult to grow high-quality protein crystals.
    Searching for good crystallization conditions often takes years, and in some extreme cases, crystals cannot be improved enough to give a detailed structure after more than 10 years of optimization..

  • What is the free software for crystallography?

    We use protein crystallography to determine, experimentally, the structure of proteins.
    The method applies to other macromolecules, such as nucleic acid and viruses.
    All structural data for every protein solved sits in online repositories and is free for scientists to access and interrogate..

Feb 15, 2023A suite of programs covering all aspects of crystallographic structure determination, refinement and analysis protein modelling using X-ray 

What is protein crystallization?

Protein crystallization is mainly a “trial and error” procedure in which the protein is slowly precipitated from its solution

As a general rule, the purer the protein, the better the chances to grow crystals

What is the gateway to X-ray crystallography?

The gateway to X-ray crystallography is the growth of macromolecular crystals

An attempt is made here to acquaint investigators with the principles and practice of protein crystallization, some recent innovations, and to touch upon some of the remaining


Method of protein structure prediction

In molecular biology, protein threading, also known as fold recognition, is a method of protein modeling which is used to model those proteins which have the same fold as proteins of known structures, but do not have homologous proteins with known structure.
It differs from the homology modeling method of structure prediction as it is used for proteins which do not have their homologous protein structures deposited in the Protein Data Bank (PDB), whereas homology modeling is used for those proteins which do.
Threading works by using statistical knowledge of the relationship between the structures deposited in the PDB and the sequence of the protein which one wishes to model.


How does crystallography work
X-ray crystallography practice problems
Questions to ask about crystals
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What is crystallographic
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Crystallographic study of organic compounds
Crystallographic study of metal complexes
Crystallographic study of a complex