Crystallographic server

  • Why are there 230 space groups?

    When we combine point groups with Bravais lattices, and consider all possible space group operators, we get 230 possible space groups.
    The 230 space groups are the only .

    1. D symmetries that a crystal structure can have.
    2. They were tabulated in the 1890s by a Russian crystallographer, E.

  • crystal classes
    A space group is characterized by its group of linear parts, i.e. its point group, its translation lattice, represented by the unit cell, and the translational parts of its generators, which reflect the interplay between the point group and the translation lattice.
  • For a particular space group, one can check the Wyckoff positions using International Tables of Crystallography.
    The table presents the multiplicity, Wyckoff letter and site symmetry for Wyckoff positions.
Bilbao Crystallographic Server, Universidad del Pais Vasco/Euskal Herriko Bilbao Crystallographic Server, For comments, please  Wyckoff PositionsKVECStructure IR Raman and Hyper Reflection Conditions
VISUALIZE, Visualize structures using Jmol ; COMPSTRU, Comparison of Crystal Structures with the same Symmetry ; STRUCTURE RELATIONS, Evaluation of structure  Wyckoff PositionsKVECStructure IR Raman and Hyper Transtru

What is Bilbao Crystallographic Server?

The Bilbao Crystallographic Server contains two programs related with supergroup-group pairs: MINSUP which gives all minimal supergroups of in- dex 2, 3, and 4 of a given space group; SUPERGROUPS, which calculates all different supergroups of a given space-group type and a given index


Sem crystallography
Serial crystallography time-resolved
Serial crystallography synchrotron
Serial crystallography experiments
Serial crystallography microfluidics
Serial crystallography method
Crystallography tetragonal system
Crystallography tetrahedron
Crystallographic texture
Crystallographic texture of materials
Crystallographic texture of materials pdf
Tem crystallography
Crystallographic texture and group representations
Teaching crystallography
Basis vectors crystallography
Crystallographic wet chemical etching of gan
Weighting crystallography
X ray crystallography software
Symmetry in crystallography pdf
Crystal growth method