Cultural history of latin america

The background

Though the conditions of pre-Columbian America and 15th-century Iberia are beyond the scope of Latin American history proper

The indigenous world and the word “Indian”

From the time of Columbus and the late 15th century forward, the Spaniards and Portuguese called the peoples of the Americas “Indians”—that is

What is Latin America culture?

From a cultural perspective, Latin America generally refers to those parts of the Americas of Spanish and Portuguese culture and language: Mexico, most of Central America, and South America

There is also an important Latin American cultural presence in the United States (such as in California, Florida, the Southwest,

What is the history of Latin America?

History of Latin America, the history of the region (South America, Mexico, Central America, and the Romance language-speaking Caribbean islands) from the pre-Columbian period, including Spanish and Portuguese colonization, the 19th-century wars of independence, and developments to the end of the 20th century

Why was Latin America important in colonial times?

The history of Latin America in colonial times was a major chapter in world history

It profoundly shaped the destinies of the nations of those regions, whose cultural influences, in cuisine, literature and popular culture, have spread around the globe

Cultural history of latin america
Cultural history of latin america
The environmental history of Latin America has become the focus of a number of scholars, starting in the later years of the twentieth century.
But historians earlier than that recognized that the environment played a major role in the region's history.
Environmental history more generally has developed as a specialized, yet broad and diverse field.
According to one assessment of the field, scholars have mainly been concerned with three categories of research: colonialism, capitalism, and conservation and the analysis focuses on narratives of environmental decline.
There are several currents within the field.
One examines humans within particular ecosystems; another concerns humans’ cultural relationship with nature; and environmental politics and policy.
General topics that scholars examine are forestry and deforestation; rural landscapes, especially agro-export industries and ranching; conservation of the environment through protected zones, such as parks and preserves; water issues including irrigation, drought, flooding and its control through dams, urban water supply, use, and waste water.
The field often classifies research by geographically, temporally, and thematically.
Much of the environmental history of Latin America focuses on the nineteenth and twentieth centuries, but there is a growing body of research on the first three centuries (1500-1800) of European impact.
As the field established itself as a more defined academic pursuit, the journal Environmental History was founded in 1996, as a joint venture of the Forest History Society and the American Society for Environmental History (ASEH).
The Latin American and Caribbean Society for Environmental History (SOLCHA) formed in 2004.
Standard reference works for Latin American now include a section on environmental history.

Aspect of history

The history of the Jews in Latin America began with conversos who joined the Spanish and Portuguese expeditions to the continents.
The Alhambra Decree of 1492 led to the mass conversion of Spain's Jews to Catholicism and the expulsion of those who refused to do so.
However, the vast majority of conversos never made it to the New World and remained in Spain slowly assimilating to the dominant Catholic culture.
This was due to the requirement by Spain's Blood Statutes to provide written documentation of Old Christian lineage to travel to the New World.
However, the first Jews came with the first expedition of Christopher Columbus, including Rodrigo de Triana and Luis De Torres.

Music and musical traditions of Ecuador

The music of Ecuador is a diverse aspect of Ecuadorian culture.
Ecuadorian music ranges from indigenous styles such as pasillo to Afro-Ecuadorian styles like bomba to modern indie rock like Cambio de Tonalidad by Da Pawn.


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