A cultural history of animals in antiquity

  • Behavior books

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  • What is the history of the animals?

    Animal history is a methodologically and politically challenging type of historical research that attempts to approximate the past as it occurred for other species on the planet without overstepping what is knowable..

  • “Animal history seeks to unpack human-animal relationships in the past, trace changes over time, and evaluate the impact animals have on human history and human histories on them.”
A Cultural History of Animals In Antiquity presents an extraordinarily broad assessment of animal cultures from 2500 BC to 1000 AD, describing how animals were an intrinsic part of the spiritual life of ancient society, how they were hunted, domesticated and used for entertainment, and the roles animals played in
A Cultural History of Animals In Antiquity presents an extraordinarily broad assessment of animal cultures from 2500 BC to 1000 AD, describing how animals were an intrinsic part of the spiritual life of ancient society, how they were hunted, domesticated and used for entertainment, and the roles animals played in


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