Cultural studies degree

Cultural Studies graduates can progress from honours through to PhD level in the subject. These degrees provide advanced research, project and writing skills.

What is a MA cultural studies?

The MA Cultural Studies offers an interdisciplinary approach to the study of contemporary culture, politics and society

This Masters programme

Within the Institute of History, the Department for Interdisciplinary History has been providing education in the field of cultural heritage

What is cultural studies?

Cultural studies is a relatively new interdisciplinary field of study, which came into being in the UK in the post-war years

It emerged out of a perceived necessity on the part of two of its founding figures, Raymond Williams and Richard Hoggart

What jobs can you get with a cultural studies major?

Cultural studies majors qualify for a variety of high-demand positions

Most learn a second language as part of their studies, and jobs for translators and interpreters have an increase in demand much higher than the average

Cultural studies graduates are also needed to teach English abroad, particularly in Asia and the Middle East

Degree Programs in Cultural Studies

  • Bachelor of Arts in Gender and Cultural Studies
  • Bachelor of Arts in American Cultural Studies
  • Bachelor of Arts in Cultural and Historical Studies
  • Master of Arts in Cultural Studies
  • Master of Arts in Literature and Cultural Studies
  • Ph.D. in Cultural Studies
  • Ph.D. in Visual and Cultural Studies


Cultural studies courses
Cultural studies association
Cultural studies adalah
Cultural studies approach
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Cultural studies as a discipline
Cultural studies association of australasia
Cultural studies and comparative literature
Cultural studies and media
Cultural studies association conference
Cultural studies an introduction
Cultural studies approach to media
Cultural studies a critical introduction
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture
Cultural studies authors
Cultural studies by pramod k nayar
Cultural studies book
Cultural studies by pramod k nayar pdf
Cultural studies book pdf
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