Cultural studies association of australasia

The CSAA is Australasia's peak Cultural Studies representative organisation. The Association takes an active role in advocacy, support and promotion of Cultural Studies in the region. To see some of the work the CSAA is involved in, be sure to check the links available on this site.

What is the Australian Association for Pacific Studies?

Image credit: Victoria Stead, 2017

The Australian Association for Pacific Studies was formed in 2004 to represent, advocate for, and nurture Australian research and teaching in the field of Pacific studies

We seek to embody, following the sentiment of Terence Wesley-Smith, scholarship that is “of and for the Pacific”, and not simply about it

What is the Austrian Studies Association?

It is the flagship publication of the Austrian Studies Association and contains contributions in German and English from the world's premiere scholars in the field of Austrian studies

The journal highlights scholarly work that draws on innovative methodologies and new ways of viewing Austrian history and culture

What is the Cultural Studies Association of Australia?

The Cultural Studies Association of Australia was established in 1992, and in 2002 became the Cultural Studies Association of Australasia

The broad aims of the Association are to develop the study, teaching and public profile of Cultural Studies throughout Australasia


Cultural studies and comparative literature
Cultural studies and media
Cultural studies association conference
Cultural studies an introduction
Cultural studies approach to media
Cultural studies a critical introduction
Cultural studies and the study of popular culture
Cultural studies authors
Cultural studies by pramod k nayar
Cultural studies book
Cultural studies by pramod k nayar pdf
Cultural studies book pdf
Cultural studies birmingham
Cultural studies by stuart hall
Cultural studies bible
Cultural studies barker
Cultural studies branches
Cultural studies ba
Cultural studies birmingham school
Cultural studies background