Society under companies act 2013

  • Is society not a body corporate?

    Further, on the question as to whether a society is a body corporate or not, the Department of Company Affairs in its Circular No. 8(26)/2(7)/63-PR, dated 13-03-1963 stated that the term body corporate does not include a society registered under Act, 1860 for the purpose of Act, 1956..

  • What is Section 27 of the Companies Act 2013?

    It states that a corporate firm shall do not modify the terms and conditions of the contract mentioned in the prospectus at any time unless it is approved by or authorized by the company at the general meeting of the shareholders by means of a special resolution method..

  • What is the difference between a society and a corporation?

    A society is a non-commercial organization, form for the promotion of the object like art, culture, science, religion etc.
    Provisionsunder the Companies Act are more stringent and attract more penalties.
    A registered company is a legal entity..

  • Which companies are registered by the Companies Act 2013?

    In addition to private and public limited companies, the Act also provides for a One Person Company (OPC), Section 8 companies, and producer companies.
    One Person Companies (OPC) are companies with a single member.
    Only individual Indian citizens can be shareholders in an OPC..

  • According to Section 2(5) of the Companies Act, 2013, the Articles of Association refers to the document containing the rules and regulations that govern the management of the company's affairs.
  • Without prejudice to any liability including repayment of any debt under this Act or any other law for the time being in force, any person who is found to be guilty of fraud involving an amount of at least ten lakh rupees or one percent.
1.3. What is the meaning of persons or association of persons as mentioned in Section 8? The term “person” is not defined under the Companies Act,. 2013.
Mar 29, 2023Conversion of a cooperative society into Section 8 company opens the door for higher funding, better management and scalability in operations.

Filing of Form URC 1 with Roc

A registered Society shall file a Form No. URC

Licensing of Section 8 Company

An application in Form No. INC – 12 for issuance of a license under Section 8 of the Companies Act

Incorporation of Section 8 Company

After issuance of a license under section 8 of Companies Act, 2013

How Section 8 companies are governed by Indian Companies Act 2013?

Section 8 Companies are governed by the Indian Companies Act, 2013

Trusts are registered under the jurisdiction of Deputy Registrar/Charity commissioner of the relevant area

The power to register a society lies in the hand of Registrar of societies

What is Companies Act 2013?

[29th August, 2013

] An Act to consolidate and amend the law relating to companies

Short title, extent, commencement and application

—(1) This Act may be called the Companies Act, 2013

It extends to the whole of India

What is section 366 of Companies Act 2013?

Section 366 of the Companies Act, 2013 prescribed that the existing societies and any other association registered under different laws or any other legislation framed by various state governments or any community benefit society are having an option to convert themselves in a Section 8 Company under Companies Act, 2013

Corporate social responsibility (CSR) is nothing but a mandatory provision under Companies Act 2013 which was earlier a voluntary provision under Companies Act 1956 which provides for sustainable development of corporates and society as a whole and also a step to promote contribution of corporates towards betterment of society and to the people who are the real persons behind the growth of such corporates and giving back to the society however the corporate social responsibility is not a charitable activity rather than it is a wealth creation activity by corporates for their long term sustainability which if managed properly would enhance the competitive position of business and also creates wealth and ethical values of such organization.


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