Popular culture and globalization

  • How is globalization related to popular culture?

    With western media so greatly impacted by the styles and personalities of these artists, Globalization ensured that western Popular Culture took hold far outside it's places of origin.
    In addition to commercial influence, in today's world the internet is doubtlessly one of Pop Culture's most steadfast accessories..

  • What is globalization and popular culture?

    Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations.
    This process is marked by the common consumption of cultures that have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel..

  • Globalisation is largely linked to the increase of popular culture, which is referred to as passive and unchallenging entertainment, designed for the masses.
    However, it has been argued that globalisation has led to the imperialisation of Western culture on non-Western cultures.
  • The term popular culture refers to the pattern of cultural experiences and attitudes that exist in mainstream society.
    Popular culture events might include a concert, parade, a baseball game, or the season finale of a television show.
    Rock and pop music – “pop” is short for “popular”–are part of popular culture.
Global forces have impacts on local values and cultures as well. Popular culture is also under the influence of new changes.

The Rejection of Metanarratives

Postmodernists argue that media saturation means there are now an incredibly diverse array of voices and opinions online

Participatory Culture

Audiences are now more involved with the creation of media content, so the global media space is now more participatory than old style one-way media

The Globalisation of Protest

New media has been used effectively to fight oppression

Cultural Hybridity

Thompson (1995) argues that global media products are modified by local cultures which results in various new hydbrid forms

How has globalization shaped popular culture?

Hip-Hop is only one of the immeasurable number trends to have shaped Popular Culture by way of Globalization

Today’s popular icons are a product of years of interaction through transportation, the web, and our ever-thriving commercial economy

What is globalization and why is it important?

Globalization is the post-modern economic process in which the distinction between the so-called low and high cultures is blurred with the rise of local culture at national and international levels and the diminishing effect of hegemonic culture of the elite

What is popular culture?

Popular culture is the result of technological advancements in mass media and communication

Unlike folk-elite culture forms, it is not based on communitarian social structure governed by tradition

Popular culture is produced and governed by free-floating market forces

Cultural globalization refers to the transmission of ideas, meanings and values around the world in such a way as to extend and intensify social relations. This process is marked by the common consumption of cultures that have been diffused by the Internet, popular culture media, and international travel.

The John F.
Kennedy assassination and the subsequent conspiracy theories surrounding it have been discussed, referenced, or recreated in popular culture numerous times.
Popular culture and globalization
Popular culture and globalization
The prophecies of the 16th-century author Nostradamus have become a part of the popular culture of the 20th and 21st centuries.
Nostradamus' life has been depicted in both fiction and non-fiction books as well as several films, and made-up prophecies that were said to be his were circulated online in several well-known hoaxes, where quatrains in the style of Nostradamus have been circulated by e-mail.
The most well-known hoax claims that he predicted the attack on New York City's World Trade Center on September 11, 2001.
Orcas, also known as Killer whales, have appeared in several movies and many documentaries.


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