Customer relationship management what is

Customer relationship management is a process in which a business or other organization administers its interactions with customers, typically using data analysis to study large amounts of information. WikipediaBooks On CrmThe Small Business' Guide to Social CRMCRM For DummiesEffective CRM Using Predictive AnalyticsROI from CRM: It's about Sales Process, Not Just TechnologyYour Surefire Guide to CRM Success: No More Leaving Money on the TableGetting the Most Out of Your Crm: 25 Tips to Increase Adoption, Maximize Value and Increase Profits from Your Customer Relationship Management System
Customer relationship management is the way you look after and manage your clients. You can think of it as your interactions with customers, as well as how you organize your workflows with them. The idea is to design a set of practices that give your clients a great customer experience with you at every juncture.Customer Relationship Management Definition: CRM, or customer relationship management, refers to the combination of processes, strategies, and software aimed at building long-lasting relationships between companies and their customers. It streamlines business processes and maintains an effective line of communication with ...A customer relationship management (CRM) system is a set of applications used to store, organize and process customer information, interactions and services. Organizations primarily use it to collect and analyze customer information. This can help them understand the requirements and desires of existing and prospective ...


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