Cytological exams

  • What is cytological the study of?

    Cytology is the study of the cell, and it is, therefore, of all fields the one which comes closest to the heart of the major quest of biology-the understanding of life in its essence.
    The cell is a marvelous microcosm, extremely small, yet unbelievably complex..

How accurate is urine cytology?

How accurate is a urine cytology test.
Urine cytology is associated with a significant false-negative rate, especially for low-grade carcinoma (10-50% accuracy rate).
The false-positive rate is 1-12%, although cytology has a 95% accuracy rate for diagnosing high-grade carcinoma and CIS.
Urine cytology is often the test used for diagnosis of CIS.


How is cytology or cytopathology tests work?

Cytopathology and cytology are diagnostic processes by which the cells obtained from biopsy, fluid samples, scrapings, or brushings are specially prepared and examined with a microscope.
These tests are used to examine single cells or small clusters of cells and to assess whether they are normal or show signs of disease.


Cytology tests list
Types of cytology tests
What is cytology testing
Cytology ppt download
Cytology ppt free
Cytopathology ppt
Cytopathology ppt download
Exfoliative cytology ppt
Sputum cytology ppt
Cervical cytology ppt
Fluid cytology ppt
Imprint cytology ppt
Urine cytology ppt
Breast cytology ppt
Squash cytology ppt
Hormonal cytology ppt
Csf cytology ppt
Thyroid cytology ppt
Cytopathology doctor
Cytopathology doctor salary