Exfoliative cytology notes

  • What is a short note on exfoliative cytology?

    Exfoliative cytology is a branch of cytology in which the cells that a pathologist examines are either “shed” by your body naturally or are manually scraped or brushed (exfoliated) from the surface of your tissue.Aug 17, 2021.

  • What is a short note on exfoliative cytology?

    Exfoliative cytology means scraping the surface of a possible skin cancer with a knife and then spreading a small layer of the scrape onto a glass slide so that the cells in the scrape can be stained and looked at under a microscope..

  • What stain for exfoliative cytology?

    Papanicolaou's stain (PAP stain) is the most important stain in cytology and is used in all cervical smear and non-gynaecologic exfoliative smears.
    This stain has the following excellent properties: Cytoplasmic differentiation: It helps in the assessment of cellular differentiation.
    Nuclear details seen..

  • Commonly used instruments to collect cytological smear includes wooden blade, metal spatula but oral brush is proved to be more efficient as cytological smear collected by latter is more thick and effective.
    Cytological viewing of keratinisation of oral cells.
  • Papanicolaou's stain (PAP stain) is the most important stain in cytology and is used in all cervical smear and non-gynaecologic exfoliative smears.
    This stain has the following excellent properties: Cytoplasmic differentiation: It helps in the assessment of cellular differentiation.
    Nuclear details seen.
Exfoliative cytology means scraping the surface of a possible skin cancer with a knife and then spreading a small layer of the scrape onto a glass slide so that the cells in the scrape can be stained and looked at under a microscope.
In exfoliative cytology, cells shed from body surfaces, such as the inside of the mouth, are collected and examined. This technique is useful only for the examination of surface cells and often requires additional cytological analysis to confirm the results.

Can exfoliative cytology detect BCC?

Forest plot of exfoliative cytology to detect BCC in patients with suspected BCCs, showing classification of 'possible BCCs' as test positives or as test negatives.
Summary ROC plot of exfoliative cytology to detect BCC in patients with suspected BCCs, showing classification of 'possible BCCs' as test positives or as test negatives.


Is exfoliative cytology a useful test for oral smears?

Its rapidity, simplicity and specificity makes it a test of high diagnostic value.
This review discusses the concepts, historical aspects and recent advancements of exfoliative cytology and its use in clinical scenario.
This study describes the development of quantitative cytological techniques and their application to oral smears.


What is exfoliative cytology in histology?

MODULE Histology and Cytology Notes 21 EXFOLIATIVE CYTOLOGY 21.1 INTRODUCTION Exfoliative cytology, which is a quick and simple procedure, is an important alternative to biopsy in certain situations.
In exfoliative cytology, cells shed from body surfaces, such as:

  1. the inside of the mouth
  2. are collected and examined


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