Mark howard cytology

  • Histopathology - Royal College of Pathologists

    The cervical screening provider lead ( CSPL ) is a senior member of staff formally appointed within an organisation providing cervical screening services..

  • The cervical screening provider lead ( CSPL ) is a senior member of staff formally appointed within an organisation providing cervical screening services.
I have extensive experience and have worked in both roles for over 15 years and at 5 different Nhs hosptals plus the Cervical Screening London.

What ancillary diagnostic techniques are used in cytopathology?

Currently, there are a variety of ancillary diagnostic techniques that are routinely utilized in the cytopathology laboratory.
Additionally, the increasing utilization of molecular-based, diagnostic techniques on fluid specimens, as well as FFPE material, is expanding the role of cytopathology for infectious disease diagnostics.


What are the advantages of cytology samples?

There are many advantages to utilizing cytology samples as an adjunct to routine microbiology laboratory methods.
For example, cytology samples can be obtained by non-invasive and minimally invasive techniques, and interpretation is affordable, accurate, and fast.


Which cytology stains can be used to identify microorganisms?

Furthermore, routine cytology stains, including:

  1. the Papanicolaou (Pap) and the Diff-Quik (DQ) stains
  2. can adequately identify a number of microorganisms

Finally, material obtained by these procedures can also be used for cytologic ancillary testing, microbiology culture, and molecular studies.

Why Is Histopathology Important?

Histopathologists are doctors who work closely with other clinical specialties.
They can reach a diagnosis by examining a small piece of tissue from the skin, liver, kidney or other organ.
This is called a biopsy.
They examine the tissue carefully under a microscope, looking for changes in cells that might explain what is causing a patient’s illnes.

Mark howard cytology
Mark howard cytology

American zoologist

Edward Laurens Mark was an American zoologist, Hersey Professor of Anatomy and Director of the Zoological Laboratory of the Museum of Comparative Zoology (MCZ) at Harvard University.
In his landmark cytological monograph published in 1881, Mark also conceived the parenthetical referencing for citation, also known as Harvard referencing.


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