Cervical cytology update courses

  • How long does it take to get smear results 2023?

    You usually get your cervical screening results in the post.
    It can take from 2 to 6 weeks.
    If you have been waiting longer than you expected, call your GP surgery to find out if they have any updates about when you might hear..

  • How often should you have a smear test after 50?

    People aged 25 to 49 receive invitations every 3 years.
    People aged 50 to 64 receive invitations every 5 years.
    Cervical screening is not recommended for anyone under 25 years old who has not been invited..

  • What is the use of cervical cytology?

    The Pap test (also called a Pap smear or cervical cytology) collects cervical cells so they can be checked for changes caused by HPV that may—if left untreated—turn into cervical cancer.
    It can find precancerous cells and cervical cancer cells..

  • If a woman can be screened only once in her lifetime, WHO recommends the best age is between 35 and 45 years.
    Definition: Proportion of women between the ages of 30–49 screened for cervical cancer at least once, or more often, and for lower or higher age groups according to national programmes or policies.
  • Practical training will take place in the trainee's place of work and must be supervised by an appropriate nominated mentor.
    Trainees must also visit a cytology laboratory and a colposcopy clinic local to their practice during their training.
This course consists of a complete Cytology update as required by the NHS cervical screening program (NHSCSP). This update is a requirement for all staff 

Cervical cytology training

North of England Pathology and Screening Education Centre


Cervical sample taker training

Read the guidance for the training of new cervical sample takers.



E-learning for GPs



Training and continuing professional development (CPD) for people working in the NHS cervical screening programme (CSP) in England.


Physicians: video learning modules

Watch 4 medical animations for health professionals showing cervical anatomy and the development of cervical cancer.


What is a cervical cytology course?

The course comprises of a face to face study day which provides a refresher on taking cervical cytology samples and any changes in policy or procedure.
The course adheres to the NHS Cervical Screening Programme Guidance for the training of cervical sample takers (PHE 2016).


What is a cytology update?

This course consists of a complete Cytology update as required by the NHS cervical screening program (NHSCSP).
This update is a requirement for all staff who take cervical samples, and must be taken one every three years.
The lecturer is highly recommended, she is very experienced.
What will I learn? .


What is the cervical update course?

This is a requirement set by the NHSCSP.
All staff who are taking cervical samples must complete a cervical update every 3 years.
This course runs over either a half day or one full day.
Please note for the dates of November 24th and March 24th 2023 these are half days.


Where can I get cervical sample taker training?

North of England Pathology & Screening Education Centre provides Cervical Sample Taker Training in the following areas:

  1. De Montfort University (BSc/PG Certificate in Practice Nursing Students) If you are interested in a cervical sample taker programme of learning in one of these local areas
  2. please make contact with:


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