Wbda dance

West Beach Dance Academy is a fun and professional dance environment located within West Beach Parks. Our fully trained and qualified staff offer a variety  ContactOUR TEAMJust danceWBDA Puffer Vest

What is ntbda dance?

The aim of all NTBDA dances is to give all dancers regular dates, times and places to practice and enjoy their dancing and to meet new people

NTBDA also aims to showcase Ballroom and New Vogue Dancing to the broader community and to attract people to, or back to dancing

What is West Beach Dance Academy?

West Beach Dance Academy is a fun and professional dance environment! Find a new passion or reignite an old one with our range of classes for ages 2

5yrs to Adults!

Who is DDA dance?

DDA Dance! For over 39 years Di Salvatore Dance Academy (DDA) has provided Leeton and Griffith with specialist dance training for children and adults

· and many more! Sign up to hear from us about events, classes, and guest teachers


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