Statistical census methods

  • What are the methods of census?

    Population censuses typically use one of two approaches: De facto – meaning enumeration of individuals as of where they are found in the census, regardless of where they normally reside.
    De jure - meaning enumeration of individuals as of where they usually reside, regardless of where they are on census day. ​.

  • What are the methods of conducting the census?

    They aim to enumerate every person within the designated territory.
    A “de jure” census tallies people according to their regular or legal residence, whereas a “de facto” census allocates them to the place where enumerated—normally where they spend the night of the day enumerated..

  • What is a census statistics?

    The International Statistical Institute (ISI) in its Dictionary of Statistical Terms defines a census to be “the complete enumeration of a population or group at a point in time with respect to well-defined characteristics”..

  • What is the census method in statistics?

    Census: complete enumeration
    A census is a study of every unit, everyone or everything, in a population.
    It is known as a complete enumeration, which means a complete count..

  • If you are planning a health survey in your community in which all members of the population are interviewed, this is called census sampling.
    It requires you to define the boundary that your study will cover (e.g. the boundary of your kebele) and then interview all the people within it.
  • Population censuses typically use one of two approaches: De facto – meaning enumeration of individuals as of where they are found in the census, regardless of where they normally reside.
    De jure - meaning enumeration of individuals as of where they usually reside, regardless of where they are on census day. ​
  • The International Statistical Institute (ISI) in its Dictionary of Statistical Terms defines a census to be “the complete enumeration of a population or group at a point in time with respect to well-defined characteristics”.
(A) Census method A statistical investigation in which the data are collected for each and every element/unit of the population is termed as census method. It is also known as 'complete enumeration' or '100% enumeration' or 'complete survey'. It is useful when case intensive study is required or the area is limited.
A statistical investigation in which the data are collected for each and every element/unit of the population is termed as census method. It is also known as 'complete enumeration' or '100% enumeration' or 'complete survey'. It is useful when case intensive study is required or the area is limited.
Population censuses typically use one of two approaches: De facto – meaning enumeration of individuals as of where they are found in the census, regardless of where they normally reside. De jure - meaning enumeration of individuals as of where they usually reside, regardless of where they are on census day.

Accomplishments (October 2018-September 2020)

Contributed to team development of methods for producing differentially private decennial census tabulations conforming to legally mandated error-free disclosure of block-level population totals un.


Current Subprojects

Optimization-based (single-stage) approaches to Weight-adjustment for Probability and Nonprobability Samples (Slud, Morris)


How does the US Census Bureau estimate the population?

Each year, the United States Census Bureau produces and publishes estimates of the population for the nation, states, counties, state/county equivalents, and Puerto Rico.1 We estimate the resident population for each year since the most recent decennial census by using measures of population change.


Longer-Term Activities (Beyond FY 2023)

Extension of Census Matching capability to non-PIK persons using Administrative Records, Duplicate Status and Post-Enumeration Survey data for evaluation of Matching quality.



Survey sampling helps the Census Bureau provide timely and cost efficient estimates of population characteristics.
Demographic sample surveys estimate characteristics of people or households such as employment, income, poverty, health, insurance coverage, educational attainment, or crime victimization.
Economic sample surveys estimate characteristi.


Potential Applications

Improve estimates and reduce costs for household surveys by introducing new design and estimation methods.


Research Problems

How to design and analyze sample surveys from "frames" determined by non-probabilistically sampled observational data to achieve representative population coverage.
To make census data products bas.


Selected Publications

Nayak, T.K. (2021). “A Review of Rigorous Randomized Response Methods for Protecting Respondent's Privacy and Data Confidentiality,” in Methodology and Applications of Statistics: A Volume in Honor of C.R.
Rao on the Occasion of his 100th Birthday, ed.
Arnold, N.
Balakrishnan and C.A.
Coelho, New York: Springer, pp. 319-341.
Wright, T. (2021)..


Short-Term Activities (FY 2021 – FY 2023)

Extend Machine Learning approaches to non-response segmentation and frame changes.


What are statistical methods?

Statistical methods are procedures that help with (1) the statistical design of an investigation (e.g., census, sample survey, administrative records, model building); (2) the summarization of the findings from the investigation; and (3) the inferences that can be drawn from sample data about an entire general population.


What is the da method used for the 2010 decennial census?

The DA method employed for the 2010 Decennial Census used one technique to estimate the population under age 75 and another method based on Medicare enrollment to estimate the population age 75 and older (West 2012 ).


What methods are used to measure census undercounts?

The main methods for measuring Census undercounts are Demographic Analysis (DA) and Dual-Systems Estimates (DSE).
The DA method and the DSE method both have strengths and weaknesses.
These two methods produce results that are fairly consistent for all age groups except young children.


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