Data compression bam

  • Are BAM files smaller than SAM?

    BAM files contain the same information as SAM files, except they are in binary file format which is not readable by humans.
    On the other hand, BAM files are smaller and more efficient for software to work with than SAM files, saving time and reducing costs of computation and storage..

  • What is a BAM file used for?

    A BAM file (*. bam) is the compressed binary version of a SAM file that is used to represent aligned sequences up to 128 Mb.
    SAM and BAM formats are described in detail at

  • What is BAM data?

    Binary Alignment Map (BAM) is the comprehensive raw data of genome sequencing; it consists of the lossless, compressed binary representation of the Sequence Alignment Map-files..

  • What is the compression of BAM files?

    bam files are compressed internally with BGZF, as are . sam. gz files.
    Use --bgzf to set the level of BGZF compression - from 0 (no compression) to 12 (best yet slowest compression)..

  • CRAM files typically vary from 30 to 60% smaller than BAM, depending on the data held within them.
    Implementations of CRAM exist in htsjdk, htslib, JBrowse, and Scramble.
  • The act of compressing a file makes it unreadable to most programs until the file is uncompressed.
    A file reduced in size through the application of a compression algorithm, commonly performed to save disk space.
bam files are compressed internally with BGZF, as are . sam. gz files. Use --bgzf to set the level of BGZF compression - from 0 (no compression) to 12 (best yet slowest compression).
Feb 5, 2020Hello,. I have a lof of bam files (nearly 500) each 10GB. In total my data occupies 7T. I know bam files are already compressed.Why are we still using Bam files? And not Cram, HDF5 or improved FASTQ/BAM Compression Tools - BioStar2021: state and usage of compressed file standards better than BAM Launched: Genozip 15 with co-compression of BAM and FASTQMore results from
bam files are compressed internally with BGZF, as are . sam. gz files. Use --bgzf to set the level of BGZF compression - from 0 (no compression) to 12 (best yet slowest compression).

A Few Additional Requirements

SAM files must be named with the .sam extension, BAM with .bam, and CRAM with .cram.


How can compression reduce the waste in genomic data storage?

Reducing the waste in genomic data storage with optimized, lossless compression, along with the associated cost savings, means the ability to repurpose budgets for higher value operations.
By using compression to reduce the time taken to get data to and from storage, greater collaboration is possible.


How much does it cost to compress mapped genomic sequencing data?

In this article, we show how compressing mapped (aligned) genomic sequencing data (BAM files) using the CRAM standard can reduce storage size (and cost) by around 63% at a compression cost of under a penny (< $0.01 USD) per sample.
We demonstrate our results on a set of 62 whole genome sequencing (WGS) samples from the 1000 Genomes Project.


Is there a lossless compression tool for FASTQ & BAM data files?

Optimized lossless compression tools for both FASTQ and BAM data files are less common.
GA4GH specify a reference-based compressed file format called CRAM which improves on BAM with higher compression ratios, but requires a reference genome for compression and decompression of data to be possible.


More About Read Groups

The presence of the @RG tags indicate the presence of read groups.
Each read group has a SMtag, indicating the sample from which the reads belonging to that read group originate.
In addition to the presence of a read group in the header, each read must belong to one and only one read group.
You can look at reads that have an RG tag by running the f.


More About Sort Order

The SO:coordinateflag tells you what is the ordering of reads in your BAM file.
If you have more than one contig in your file (which is usually the case; but here we're working with a tiny demo file) you'll have to infer the contig order by, you know, looking at it.
There's a Picard tool called SortSam that will sort a BAM file according to a given.


What is a Binary Alignment Map (BAM)?

Binary Alignment Map (BAM) is the comprehensive raw data of genome sequencing; it consists of the lossless, compressed binary representation of the Sequence Alignment Map -files. BAM is the compressed binary representation of SAM (Sequence Alignment Map), a compact and index-able representation of nucleotide sequence alignments.

How do i compress a BAM file in a cram format?

For the CRAM format, we used the program Scramble to compress the test BAM files in the CRAM format

Scramble is currently the most stable, optimized and popular implementation of the CRAM related methods, and its techniques are now part of the samtools/htslib package

How to reconstruct a decompressed flow signal using a BAM file?

The reference F1 is used to reconstruct F2 vector using both D1 and F1 via the equation F2 = F1 - D1

Then F2 is used to reconstruct F3 using the equation F3 = F2 – D2

The vector F3 is used to reconstruct F4, and so on

The decompressed flow signals are finally added to the BAM file

What is a BAM file?

The output of this step is a sequence file composed of a set of reads in the fastq format as in Illumina technology or in the unaligned BAM format as in Ion Torrent technology

(The read is the sequence of a DNA fragment)

The BAM file is the binary version of the readable SAM text file [ 14 ]

Binary Alignment Map (BAM) is the comprehensive raw data of genome sequencing; it consists of the lossless, compressed binary representation of the Sequence Alignment Map -files. BAM is the compressed binary representation of SAM (Sequence Alignment Map), a compact and index-able representation of nucleotide sequence alignments. ,In this section, we provide information about the flow signals and explain how they are generated and stored in the BAM file


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