Decision-making about education

  • How do you make educated decisions?


    1. Step 1: Identify the decision.
    2. You realize that you need to make a decision.
    3. Step 2: Gather relevant information
    4. Step 3: Identify the alternatives
    6. Step 4: Weigh the evidence
    7. Step 5: Choose among alternatives
    8. Step 6: Take action
    9. Step 7: Review your decision & its consequences

  • What is an educated decision?

    When you make an educated decision about something, you've learned about the subject before making up your mind — you've been educated or educated yourself, and you understand it completely.
    An educated conversation or debate about a topic is one in which both sides have knowledge about the issues..

  • What is responsible decision-making in education?

    The Transformative Social and Emotional Learning (T-SEL) competency of responsible decision-making is the ability to make caring and constructive choices about personal behavior and social interactions across diverse situations..

  • Here are some factors that influence decision making to teach your students:

    Behavior style.Authority figures.Courage.Too much information.Your personal values.
Jun 14, 2023Decision Education (DE) is the teaching and learning of skillful judgment formation and decision-making. It includes four Learning Domains that 

Codes For Factors Influencing Goal Orientation

Based on the interview data, we found that the students’ goal orientations were dependent on the study environment.
Three factors seemed to have the greatest impact: reducing complexity, feedback on performance and the relevance of the content of the study programme.
Teachers play a crucial role in relation to these three factors.
The focus on comp.


Does rational decision-making affect completing an educational programme?

In a project about dropout among young adults in general adult education and initial vocational education and training (IVET), it was assumed that the ability to make rational decisions has a positive impact on completing an educational programme.



The interviews show that encouragement from teachers, guidance counsellors, peers or parents underpins goal orientation.
Students want the teachers or counsellors to notice them, to trust them and expect things of them.
One male VET student, Carl, complains about a guidance counsellor: “He was not curious about me as a student; he did not expect an.


How can students improve their decision-making processes?

This example points to elements that are important in strengthening students’ decision-making processes, including:

  1. the ability to break down an accurate distant goal into a number of accurate proximate goals
  2. being well-informed about possibilities and listening to advice from different persons
  3. eventually autonomously making the decision

How Do Various Factors Influence Students’ Goal Orientation?

As indicated in the research literature, goal orientation is a central part of the decision-making process.
Thus, in order to develop students’ decision-making ability, the aim in the following analysis is to point to factors that influence students’ goal orientation.


Interrelation Between Goals and Decision-Making Process

Table 1shows the interrelation of goals and the decision-making processes.
The five students who did not want to or were not able to answer questions about how they make decisions all have vague goals.
The students with intuitive-emotional decisions with or without seeking advice all have vague goals or accurate distant goals; only one student in t.


Reducing Complexity

Reduction of complexity is a way of guiding students towards realistic goals by, for example, splitting a student’s goal into a number of realistic and short-term achievable sub-goals.
As concluded above, the majority of students in our study set themselves vague or accurate distant—and sometimes unrealistic—goals.
One male IVET student, Norman, en.


Students’ Goals

As shown in the literature review above, goal orientation is a significant factor in decision-making processes.
Consequently, the assumption in the analysis of the data was that the quality of the goal will be reflected in the quality of the decision-making process.
By goals, we mean the students’ perception of the meaning for attending school.


The Students Decision-Making

Inspired by Klaczynski et al. (2001), we here define decision-making as a process beginning with a discrepancy between one’s current state and one’s goal state and ending with a course of actions to reach the chosen goal state (Byrnes, 2002; Klaczynski et al., 2001).
Based on Harren’s (1979) categorisation of decision-making styles into rational, i.


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