Population sociology slideshare

  • What are population characteristics?

    Population characteristics include population age distribution, race, gender, education, household income, poverty, life expectancy, and other aspects that are associated with the health of a community..

  • What is the growth of population in sociology?

    Three of the factors just discussed determine population growth: fertility (crude birth rate), mortality (crude death rate), and net migration.
    The natural growth rate is simply the difference between the crude birth rate and the crude death rate..


Population studies sociology
What is social demography in sociology
Demography sociology tutor2u
Demographic transition sociology
Demographic trends sociology
Demographic theory sociology
Population transfer sociology
Population turnover sociology
Population transfer sociology example
Population theories sociology
Population transfer sociology definition
Second demographic transition sociology
Sociodemographic data meaning
Social demographic profile
Sociology and demography
Demography vs sociologist
3 demographic variables sociology
Social vs demographic
Sociodemographic data definition
Sociology age groups