Demography pdf

  • What are the basics of demography?

    Demography is the scientific study of human populations—their size, their composition, and how they change through births, deaths, and the movement by people from one place to another..

  • What is demographic data PDF?

    Demographic data refers to data which relates to a particular population which is used to identify particular characteristics or features..

  • What is the meaning of demographic in PDF?

    The term demography comes from Greek word and means “describing people.” Thus, this discipline deals with the characteristics of the population, taking into account features such as, sex ratio, age structure, composition, spatial distribution, and population density..

  • What is this demography?

    Demography is the study of demographics, the social characteristics and statistics of a human population.
    This study of the size, age structures, and economics of different populations can be used for a variety of purposes.
    Political candidates use the information to inform targeted campaigns..

Demographers look at the individual life courses, which means the time between birth and death, and what happens within this time. Births, deaths and migration 


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