Demography comes from the greek word

  • Is demography a Greek word?

    The term 'demography' comes from the Greek 'demos' meaning the common people of an ancient Greek state and all ancient civilizations developed a means of describing the people and composition of their societies..

  • What is the meaning of the word demography?

    Demography is the statistical study of human populations.
    Demography examines the size, structure, and movements of populations over space and time..

  • What is the origin of the word demography?

    The word demography comes from two ancient Greek words, demos, meaning "the people," and graphy, meaning "writing about or recording something" — so literally demography means "writing about the people." Like many branches of the sciences, demography began in the 19th century, when the general craze for cataloging .

  • What is the root of the word demographic?

    Demography (from Ancient Greek δῆμος (dêmos) 'people, society', and -γραφία (-graph\xeda) 'writing, drawing, description') is the statistical study of human populations: their size, composition (e.g., race, age), and how they change through the interplay of fertility (births), mortality (deaths), and migration..

  • Where did the word demography came from?

    Demography (from Ancient Greek δῆμος (dêmos) 'people, society', and -γραφία (-graph\xeda) 'writing, drawing, description'), also known as Demographics, is the statistical study of populations, especially human beings..

  • Where does the word demography come from?

    The word demography comes from two ancient Greek words, demos, meaning "the people," and graphy, meaning "writing about or recording something" — so literally demography means "writing about the people." Like many branches of the sciences, demography began in the 19th century, when the general craze for cataloging .

  • A corner of history: John Graunt, 1620-1674, the father of demography.
  • In its simplest definition, demography is the scientific study of human populations.
    According to Landry (1945), the term demography was first used by the Belgian statistician Achille Guillard in his 1855 publication: Eléments de statistique humaine, ou démographie comparée.
  • Updated July 31, 2023.
    Demographics are the characteristics of a population that have been categorized by distinct criteria—such as age, gender and income—as a means to study the attributes of a particular group.
The systematic study of the population is called demography. The term 'demography' is derived from two Greek words – demos and graphien. Demos mean people and graphien means to describe. It implies the description of people.
The term “demography” is the combination of two Greek words, i.e, “Demo” & “Graphy”. Demo meaning “the people” (people of a special locality) and graphy refers “to draw” or “to write”. So, demography is concerned about writing, concerning the people.

What is a demographic analysis?

Summing up, demographic analysis usually includes the determination of the purpose and scope of the research, the selection of measures of the phenomenon under study, the observation and measurement of this phenomenon, as well as the identification of its structural features

When did demography start?

Like many branches of the sciences, demography began in the 19th century, when the general craze for cataloging information about the world really took off (think Darwin

) A common related word is demographics, referring to the raw statistical data that's used for analysis

"Demography "
The word demography comes from two ancient Greek words, demos, meaning "the people," and graphy, meaning "writing about or recording something" — so literally demography means "writing about the people."Where did the word demography comes from? The word demography comes from two ancient Greek words, demos, meaning “the people,” and graphy, meaning “writing about or recording something” — so literally demography means “writing about the people.”The term 'demography' is derived from two Greek words – demos and graphien. Demos mean people and graphien means to describe. It implies the description of people.

demography (n.) "that branch of anthropology which studies life-conditions of a people by its vital and social statistics," 1880, from Greek dēmos "people" (see demotic) + -graphy.

The word ‘Demography’ is a combination of two Greek words, ‘Demos’ meaning people and ‘Graphy’ meaning science. Thus demography is the science of people. In the middle of the nineteenth century in 1855, the word ‘Demography’ was first used by a French writer Achille Guillard.


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