Demography nepal

  • What demographic stage is Nepal in?

    Nepal's population is in transition.
    It is currently in Stage II (death rate and birth rate are low, but death rate remains slightly higher than birth rate), but fast approaching Stage III (death rate and birth rate are low)..

  • What is Nepal's population 2023?

    Nepal 2023 population is estimated at 30,896,590 people at mid year.
    Nepal population is equivalent to 0.38% of the total world population.
    Nepal ranks number 49 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
    The population density in Nepal is 216 per Km2 (558 people per mi2)..

  • What is the demographic diversity of Nepal?

    Hindu 81.3%, Buddhist 9%, Muslim 4.4%, Kirant 3.1%, Christian 1.4%, other 0.5%, unspecified 0.2% (2011 est.) 65 years and over: 5.69% (male 852,969/female 874,092) (2020 est.) potential support ratio: 11.2 (2020 est.) female: 26.9 years (2020 est.).

  • What is the demographic of Nepal?

    Demographic Dimension
    It has a population of 30.7 million and population density of 213.9 persons per square kilometer, lower than the average in Southern Asia (313.8 persons per sq. km.).
    Nepal has a relatively young population (Figure 1), with 46.7 percent aged 24 and below.May 25, 2023.

  • What is the demography data of Nepal?

    The current population of Nepal is 29,164,578 as per the 2021 census.
    The population growth rate is 0.92% per year. 0.96 male(s)/female (2022 est.) In the 2011 census, Nepal's population was approximately 26 million people with a population growth rate of 1.35% and a median age of 21.6 years..

  • Which caste has highest population in Nepal?

    Chhetri (Khas) (16.60%)Brahmin (khas) (12.18%)Magar (7.12%)Tharu (6.56%)Tamang/Moormi (5.81%)Newar (4.99%)Kami (4.75%)Muslims (5.09%).

  • Hindu 81.3%, Buddhist 9%, Muslim 4.4%, Kirant 3.1%, Christian 1.4%, other 0.5%, unspecified 0.2% (2011 est.) 65 years and over: 5.69% (male 852,969/female 874,092) (2020 est.) potential support ratio: 11.2 (2020 est.) female: 26.9 years (2020 est.)
  • Nepal 2023 population is estimated at 30,896,590 people at mid year.
    Nepal population is equivalent to 0.38% of the total world population.
    Nepal ranks number 49 in the list of countries (and dependencies) by population.
    The population density in Nepal is 216 per Km2 (558 people per mi2).
  • Nepali (official) 44.6%, Maithali 11.7%, Bhojpuri 6%, Tharu 5.8%, Tamang 5.1%, Newar 3.2%, Bajjika 3%, Magar 3%, Doteli 3%, Urdu 2.6%, Avadhi 1.9%, Limbu 1.3%, Gurung 1.2%, Baitadeli 1%, other 6.4%, unspecified 0.2%; note - 123 languages reported as mother tongue in 2011 national census; many in government and business
In the 2011 census, Nepal's population was approximately 26 million people with a population growth rate of 1.35% and a median age of 21.6 years.Population growthVital statisticsNepal Demographic and Nepali diaspora
Nepal, officially the Federal Democratic Republic of Nepal, is a landlocked country in South Asia. It is mainly situated in the Himalayas, but also includes parts of the Indo-Gangetic Plain. Wikipedia

Population growth

The population of Nepal has been steadily rising in recent decades. In the June 2001 census, there was a population of about 23 million in Nepal

Nepal Demographic and Health Survey

Total fertility rate (TFR) (wanted fertility rate) and crude birth rate (CBR): The following demographic


Nepal's diverse linguistic heritage evolved from three major language groups: Indo-Aryan, Tibeto-Burman languages


As of the 2021 census, 81.19% of the Nepali population was Hindu, 8.21% Buddhist, 5.09% Muslim, 3.17% Kiratist/Yumaist, 1.76% Christian, and 0

Ethnic and regional equity

Nepali was the national language and Sanskrit became a required school subject

What are the different ethnicities in Nepal?

Nepal has a host of ethnicities present

East Asian mixed people, as well as Indo-Aryans, live in the mountains and hilly regions of the country, while Tibetans inhabit the central and western part of Nepal

As a result, Nepal can boast of a multi-ethnic population that also houses a host of different cultures that are shared by its inhabitants

What is the population density of Nepal 2023?

A value below 2

1 will cause the native population to decline The 2023 population density in Nepal is 216 people per Km 2 (558 people per mi 2 ), calculated on a total land area of 143,350 Km2 (55,348 sq


A Population pyramid (also called "Age-Sex Pyramid") is a graphical representation of the age and sex of a population

What is the population of Nepal?

In the 2011 census, Nepal's population was approximately 26 million people with a population growth rate of 1

35% and a median age of 21 6 years
The total population of Nepal is 29,192,480 with 14,901,169 females (51.04 per cent) and 14,291,311 males (48.96 per cent), says the preliminary data of decennial National Census-2021 published today. It falls short by around 800,000 of the previously projected population. It was the 12th national census and the first ...The total population in Nepal was estimated at 29.1 million people in 2020, according to the latest census figures and projections from Trading Economics. source: World Bank 10Y 25YThe population of Nepal has been steadily rising in recent decades. In the June 2001 census, there was a population of about 23 million in Nepal. [6] The population increased by 5 million from the preceding 1991 census; the growth rate is 2.3%. [6] The current population is roughly 30 million which contributes to an ...Nepal’s population is about 28 million people, which makes it the 23rd most populous country in the world. Nepal is one of the poorest countries in the world. The economy is primarily based on agriculture and remittances from overseas Nepalese workers.What is the population of Nepal? Population 30,327,877 Population Growth Rate 1.81% Urban Population 17%
Demography nepal
Demography nepal
Ethnic groups in Nepal are delineated using language, ethnic identity or the caste system in Nepal.
They are categorized by common culture and endogamy.
Endogamy carves out ethnic groups in Nepal.
Islam is the third largest religion in Nepal

Islam is the third largest religion in Nepal

Demographic classification in Nepal

Islam is the third largest religion in Nepal.
According to the 2021 Nepal census, approximately 1.483 million Muslims, comprising 5.09% of the population, live in Nepal.

Government ministry in Nepal

The Ministry of Education, Science and Technology is a governmental body of Nepal responsible for the overall development of education in Nepal.
The ministry is responsible for formulating educational policies and plans and managing and implementing them across the country through the institutions under it.
In 2018, under the Second Oli cabinet, the portfolio of the ministry was enlarged and the portfolios of Science and Technology were added to the then Ministry of Education, while the Ministry of Science and Technology was discontinued.
The ministry is currently headed by the Prime Minister himself.


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