Demographic examples in a sentence

  • How can I use demographics?

    Segmenting a population by using demographics allows companies to determine the size of a potential market.
    The use of demographics helps determine whether its products and services are being targeted to that company's most influential consumers..

  • How do you use demography in a short sentence?

    Meaning of demography in English
    The increase in the number of young people leaving to work in the cities has had a dramatic impact on the demography of the towns..

  • What is an example sentence for demographers?

    Examples of demographer
    Having too many people on the planet is no longer demographers' chief worry; now, having too few is.
    Demographers say that by the middle of the century, the social order will change significantly..

  • What is demographics in your own words?

    What Are Demographics? Demographics are statistics that describe populations and their characteristics.
    Demographic analysis is the study of a population-based on factors such as age, race, and sex..

  • What is demography in one sentence?

    Demography is the statistical study of human populations.
    Demographers use census data, surveys, and statistical models to analyze the size, movement, and structure of populations..

  • Examples of demographer
    The unique population characteristics of islands have captured the attention of demographers.
    This may be regarded as conventional by demographers.
    We noted in the introduction that the issue of compliance is of importance for lawyers and historians as well as for demographers.

What is demographic analysis?

Demographic analysis, the statistical description of human populations, is a tool used by government agencies, political parties, and manufacturers of consumer goods

Polls conducted on every topic imaginable, from age to toothpaste preference, give the government and corporations an idea of who the public is and what it needs and wants

The economic demographic gives everyone a chance at the good seats. The popularity should not shock anyone who has seen the demographics. In any case, this is mainly a show about demographics. That has to do more with area demographics than anything else. It won't change until the demographics tell them to.

demographic In A Sentence

  • If you write for the most knowledgeable and intelligent demographic, all else will follow.
  • If there another demographic that is complicit in Trump's win, I don't know what it is.
More itemsExamples of Demographic in a sentence According to the demographic study, there were twice as many boys born in South Carolina than girls. The survey was conducted on the street by asking passers-by about their age, gender and occupation to be used for demographic purposes.
  • (1) The ad was aimed at a specific demographic.
  • (2) Anomies can be a result of demographic changes.
  • (3) The census provides important demographic data.
More items


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