Dendrology branch

  • What is dendrology function?

    Dendrology, as a discipline of industrial forestry, tends to focus on identification of economically useful woody plants and their taxonomic interrelationships.
    As an academic course of study, dendrology will include all woody plants, native and non-native, that occur in a region..

Dendrology is generally considered to be a branch of systematic botany or forestry and is primarily concerned with the taxonomy of woody species. Historically, dendrology also encompassed the natural history of the woody species in a given area, but such studies are now more properly ascribed to the field of ecology.
Dendrology is generally considered to be a branch of systematic botany or forestry and is primarily concerned with the taxonomy of woody species. Historically, dendrology also encompassed the natural history of the woody species in a given area, but such studies are now more properly ascribed to the field of ecology.

What does dendrochronology study?

Ecology: study of the interaction between woody plants and their environment Dendrochronology, also known as tree-ring dating, is a sub-discipline of dendrology that focuses on the study of the growth rings of trees

Dendrology is a branch of botany that specializes in the characterization and identification of woody plants, while botany is the study of all types of general plants.Dendrology is the study of wooden plants. It is a branch of botany concerned primarily on tree s and shrub s. It is primarily focused on the characterization and identification of woody plants and their taxonomy. A tree is a woody plant that reaches at least 5 metres high.,We are talking about the terms "Dendron" and "Logos", of Greek origin, meaning tree and study respectively


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