Tooth anatomy number

  • 26 Incisor (Lateral) 27 Canine (Eye tooth / Cuspid) 28 Bicuspid (1st) 29 Bicuspid (2nd) 30 Molar (1st Molar)
  • How the teeth are numbered?

    Permanent teeth are also assigned numbers sequentially.
    The naming starts from the posterior most region of the upper first quadrant and each tooth is numbered from 1 to 32 in a sequential pattern.
    The numbering starts from the third molar tooth where the upper right third molar is assigned the number 1..

  • What are the numbers for each tooth?

    The upper teeth are numbered from 1-16 from right to left and the lower teeth are numbered 17-32 from left to right.
    Therefore, 1,16,17 and 32 would refer to your wisdom teeth and 6-11 and 22-26 would be your anterior teeth in the upper and lower jaws respectively.
    Similarly, 6,11 22, 27 would be the canines and so on..

  • What is the numbering of adult dentition?

    Universal Numbering System
    The uppercase letters A through T are used for primary teeth and the numbers 1 – 32 are used for permanent teeth.
    The tooth designated "1" is the maxillary right third molar ("wisdom tooth") and the count continues along the upper teeth to the left side..

  • What is the tooth number method?

    Universal method – starting at the rear right upper molar and preceding to the rear left upper molar, teeth are numbered 1 to 16.
    Then, the bottom teeth are numbered from left to right 17 to 32.
    This numbering system allows for all 32 teeth, including wisdom teeth, to be present..

  • What is your tooth number?

    Teeth Numbering:
    The upper teeth are numbered from 1-16 from right to left and the lower teeth are numbered 17-32 from left to right.
    Therefore, 1,16,17 and 32 would refer to your wisdom teeth and 6-11 and 22-26 would be your anterior teeth in the upper and lower jaws respectively..

  • Molars: upper right (16, 17), upper left (26, 27), lower left (36, 37) and lower right (46, 47).
    Wisdom teeth (third molars) : upper right (18), upper left (28), lower left (38) and lower right (48) (there are 12 molars).
Behind the canines lie the bicuspids (or premolars). The bicuspids have numbers 4, 5, 12, 13 (upper jaw) and 20, 21, 28, 29 (lower jaw).

How are teeth numbered?

The teeth are numbered according to the Universal Numbering System adopted by the American Dental Association

The diagram is drawn as if you’re looking at your dentist with your mouth wide open

The top teeth are numbered from right to left

Number one is your top right back tooth, and your top left tooth in the back is number 16

How many molars are in a tooth?

Premolar teeth are frequently extracted by dentists to relieve dental crowding, particularly prior to orthodontic treatment

There are 8 molars in the primary permanent dentition; 4 maxillary and 4 mandibular

There are 12 molars in the permanent dentition; 6 maxillary and 6 mandibular

The number of cusps varies between 3 and 5

The universal numbering system uses a unique letter or number for each tooth. The uppercase letters A through T are used for primary teeth and the numbers 1 - 32 are used for permanent teeth. The tooth designated "1" is the right maxillary third molar and the count continues along the upper teeth to the left side.

The permanent dentition is composed of 32 teeth with 16 in each arch. There are eight teeth in each quadrant, composed of two incisors (central and lateral), a canine, two premolars, and three molars. These teeth are referred to as numbers, 1 (central incisor) to 8 (3 rd molar or ‘wisdom’ tooth).

Teeth numbers 1 – 16 are on the upper jaw. Teeth numbers 17 – 32 are in the lower jaw. As an example, teeth numbers 1, 16, 17, and 32 are your wisdom teeth. Teeth numbers 14 and 15 are your upper left molars.

Tooth numbering

  • 3rd molar (wisdom tooth).
  • 2nd molar (12-yr molar).
  • 1st molar (6-yr molar).
  • 2nd bicuspid (2nd premolar).
  • 1st bicuspid (1st premolar).
  • ... (more items)

There are normally a total of 32 permanent (secondary) teeth in adults, with 16 per jaw and eight in each quadrant, which consists of (distal to mesial) 3 :

  • three molars "wisdom teeth" refer to the third molars
,There are four main categories of human teeth. They are: 1. Incisors 2. Canines 3. Premolars 4


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