Dental radiology anatomy

  • What is radiographic anatomy?

    Radiological anatomy is where your human anatomy knowledge meets clinical practice.
    It gathers several non-invasive methods for visualizing the inner body structures.
    The most frequently used imaging modalities are radiography (X-ray), computed tomography (CT) and magnetic resonance imaging (MRI)..

  • Tooth structures that can be viewed on dental images include the following: enamel, dentin, the dentino-enamel junction, and the pulp cavity. ****Cementum is not usually apparent radiographlly because cementum layer is so thin.

What Landmarks are commonly found on conventional dental X-ray images?

This chapter presents the major landmarks commonly found on conventional dental x-ray images

Incisive foramen is the opening of the incisive canal located immediately behind the maxillary central incisors

On periapical x-ray images, the incisive foramen is located in the midline between the roots of the central incisors


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