Geometry descriptive model

A descriptive model describes a system or other entity and its relationship to its environment. It is generally used to help specify and/or understand what the system is, what it does, and how it does it. A geometric model or spatial model is a descriptive model that represents geometric and/or spatial relationships.
in a World of 3D Modeling ABSTRACT Traditionally, descriptive geometry has consisted of the projection of three-dimensional figures on a two-dimensional plane of paper using successive auxiliary views. Through this method quantita- tive measures of length, angles, shapes and other geometric information were obtained.

What is descriptive geometry?

The term descriptive geometry is still used for this method of representing the vertical and horizontal projections of an object

However, the modern term for the method is orthographic projection

France found this new geometry so important to fortification design that it was held as a state secret for several years

A branch of geometry in which three-dimensional figures, as well as methods for solving and investigating three-dimensional problems, are studied by representing them in the plane. Such representations are constructed by means of central or parallel projection of the figure (nature, an object, an original) on the plane of projection.


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