Design without borders

Design without Borders was founded with the conviction that design has the power to improve the lives of people in low and middle-income countries and areas of crisis.

What is architect Without Borders?

Architect Without Borders.
This scheme connects architects around the world with communities in need.
AWB is a platform for social mission through architecture practices.
Project proposals will be checked in person by the AWB team before they go live on the AWB app.
Why AWB.
Welcome to AWB, Architect without Borders.


What is Artists Without Borders?

Headquartered in Japan, Artists without Borders invites established and emerging artists in all creative genres to apply their skills toward the purpose of providing “psychological relief to the victims of war in the form of art and/or entertainment.” The organization has led projects in the Caucasus and East Timor.


What is Design Without Borders 2022?

Our 2022 Design Without Borders report dives deep into the collective struggles, triumphs, and possibilities of one of the most diverse and globally accessible industries to date.
With insights and opinions from 10,000 freelancers from 144 countries around the world, see the year through the eyes of creatives.


What is Engineers Without Borders?

To help promote gender diversity in the STEM fields, Engineers Without Borders (EWB) is a community of innovative students, professionals and fellows working to create systemic change in Canada.

Australian non-profit organization

Engineers Without Borders Australia (EWB) is an Australian non-profit organisation with 20 active chapters, operating nationally and internationally with the published aim of improving the quality of life of disadvantaged communities through education and the implementation of sustainable engineering projects.
EWB Australia was established in 2003 by a group of engineers from Melbourne who were motivated to take action on the developmental front through engineering.

New Zealand non-governmental organization

Engineers Without Borders New Zealand (EWBNZ) is a not-for-profit organisation based in New Zealand who champion humanitarian engineering as a means to improve community well-being, opportunity and alleviate poverty in all its forms.
The organisation is member-based and incorporates several chapters of professional engineers, in Auckland, Hamilton, Wellington and Christchurch as well as two student chapters, from the University of Canterbury and the University of Auckland.
Librarians Without Borders is an international nonprofit organization with headquarters located in London, Ontario, Canada.
This is not to be confused with Libraries Without Borders, which has its headquarters in France, Belgium, Canada and Switzerland, or Bibliothécaires Sans Frontières, a now defunct French nonprofit.
The organization is overseen by student committees at five Canadian Universities and a volunteer Executive Team and Board of Directors.
Librarians Without Borders seeks to provide access to information in communities worldwide by creating partnerships with local people and local librarians.
Librarians Without Borders engage in a number of outreach programs created to inspire a love of learning, community engagement and citizen scientists.
Members are located in over 75 countries with the majority in Canada and the United States.


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