Attitude toward art and learning in athens

  • Did Athens focus on art?

    Today the Athenians' style of art and architecture is referred to as classical.
    A famous example of the Athenians' architectural style is the Parthenon.
    Sadly, due to their focus on arts and literature over combat, the Athenian army was not the biggest or the strongest..

  • Did Athens have a lot of art?

    Aesthetics (beauty), logic, and order mattered very much to the Athenians.
    Fine architecture and sculpture became important in their society.
    Athenians put a lot of time, effort, and great amounts of money into these art forms.
    The Parthenon is the most well-known building of this era..

  • Did Athens have foreigners as a working class?

    The city of Athens in ancient Greece consisted of three main social classes: the lower class (freedman), the middle class (metics), and the upper class (citizens).
    Those that were foreign-born in Athenian society were labeled as metics.
    If they were free, they were often in the middle rankings of social class..

  • How did Athenians traditionally justify restricting women's freedom of movement?

    How did Athenians traditionally justify restricting women's freedom of movement? They insisted that women needed to be protected from seducers and rapists..

  • How did Athenians train the minds and bodies of boys?

    How did athenians train the minds and bodies of boys? Athenian boys were taught by their mother or male slave until age 6 or 7.
    They went to school between ages 6 and 14.
    They learned reading, writing, arithmetic, literature, sports, and music..

  • How did Athens become so powerful?

    Athens emerged as the dominant economic power in Greece around the late sixth century BCE, its power and wealth was further bolstered by the discovery of silver in the neighboring mountains.
    Athens was at the center of an efficient trading system with other Greek city states..

  • How did the systems of government and education differ between Athens and Sparta?

    How did the systems of government and education differ between Athens and Sparta? Sparta was a warrior society with authoritarian systems of government and education.
    Athens was a direct democracy where citizens participated in government, and education was broader than in Sparta..

  • In which way was life in Athens similar to life in Sparta?

    One of the main ways they were similar was in their form of government.
    Both Athens and Sparta had an assembly, whose members were elected by the people.
    Sparta was ruled by two kings, who ruled until they died or were forced out of office..

  • What council consisting of 500 citizens was chosen by lot each year?

    The Boule was a more specialized administrative body composed of 500 citizens chosen by lot each year.
    It was responsible for preparing the agenda for the Ekklesia and overseeing the execution of its decisions..

  • What is Athens most famous for?

    Athens, Modern Greek Ath\xednai, Ancient Greek Athēnai, historic city and capital of Greece.
    Many of Classical civilization's intellectual and artistic ideas originated there, and the city is generally considered to be the birthplace of Western civilization..

  • What was art like in Athens?

    Art was a major part of Ancient Athenian culture, as evidenced by the prevalence of surviving art from the era in the form of pottery, painting, sculpture, and the mixture of these mediums on the interior and exteriors of temples, buildings, and inside tombs..

  • What was the art like in Athens?

    Athenian art experienced many changes over the course of history, most notably in the shifts from a static, geometric style during the late Dark Ages, to a more fluid and realistic style towards the end of reigning Athenian history..

  • What was the education like in Athens?

    The primary purpose of Athenian education was to produce thinkers, people well-trained in arts and sciences, people prepared for peace or war.
    Young Athenian boys were tutored at home until the age of six or seven, and then they were sent to neighborhood schools for primary education until they were 14 years of age..

  • When did Athens fall?

    The Final End of Athenian Democracy.
    Support for provided by: What's this? A year after their defeat of Athens in 404 BC, the Spartans allowed the Athenians to replace the government of the Thirty Tyrants with a new democracy..

  • Why did Athenians focus on art?

    Even though much of Greek art was meant to honor the gods, those very gods were created in the image of humans.
    Much artwork was government sponsored and intended for public display.
    Therefore, art and architecture were a tremendous source of pride for citizens and could be found in various parts of the city..

  • Why were boys in Athens educated differently from girls?

    Athenian democracy depended on having well-prepared citizens.
    People in Athens believed that producing good citizens was the main purpose of education.
    Since only boys could grow up to be citizens, boys and girls were educated quite differently..

  • Aesthetics (beauty), logic, and order mattered very much to the Athenians.
    Fine architecture and sculpture became important in their society.
    Athenians put a lot of time, effort, and great amounts of money into these art forms.
    The Parthenon is the most well-known building of this era.
  • Art was a major part of Ancient Athenian culture, as evidenced by the prevalence of surviving art from the era in the form of pottery, painting, sculpture, and the mixture of these mediums on the interior and exteriors of temples, buildings, and inside tombs.
  • Athens, Modern Greek Ath\xednai, Ancient Greek Athēnai, historic city and capital of Greece.
    Many of Classical civilization's intellectual and artistic ideas originated there, and the city is generally considered to be the birthplace of Western civilization.
  • Athens.
    Athens emerged as the dominant economic power in Greece around the late sixth century BCE, its power and wealth was further bolstered by the discovery of silver in the neighboring mountains.
    Athens was at the center of an efficient trading system with other Greek city states.
  • Boys were much more educated than girls.
    They had physical education where they learned sports and gymnastics.
    They also learned basic math, how to play musical instruments, how to sing, and how to write well.
    They memorized the Odyssey and the Iliad by Homer because these were the most important works in their world.
  • Citizens took turns as judges and public officials.
    It was not interested in the "finer things in life." Each citizen was permitted to speak at the assembly.
    Each year a council consisting of 500 citizens was chosen by lot.
  • In the context of the art, architecture, and culture of Ancient Greece, the Classical period corresponds to most of the 5th and 4th centuries BC (the most common dates being the fall of the last Athenian tyrant in 510 BC to the death of Alexander the Great in 323 BC).
  • Provide three details to explain how Spartans educated their children.
    Boys and girls received military training from the age of 7.
    Boys lived and trained in barracks.
    Boys were taught to be brave soldiers by learning how to suffer physical pain without complaining.
  • The Final End of Athenian Democracy.
    Support for provided by: What's this? A year after their defeat of Athens in 404 BC, the Spartans allowed the Athenians to replace the government of the Thirty Tyrants with a new democracy.
Sep 2, 2023Art and learning were for those who had the leisure and means to participate.
This answer is: Helpful (1) Not Helpful  ,Sep 2, 2023The attitude of church leaders and the wealthy toward the arts was encouraging because they would spend a huge amount of money for the arts.
Attitude toward art and learning in athens
Attitude toward art and learning in athens

Overview of the role of Islam in Europe

Islam is the second-largest religion in Europe after Christianity.Although the majority of Muslim communities in Western Europe formed recently

There are centuries-old Muslim communities in the Balkans

  1. Caucasus
  2. Crimea

And Volga region.The term Muslim Europe is used to refer to the Muslim-majority countries in the Balkans and parts of countries in Eastern Europe with sizable Muslim minorities that constitute large populations of indigenous European Muslims

Although the majority are secular.


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