Assembly language programming lab manual

What is the first line of an assembly language program?

The first line of an assembly language program is the TITLE line. This line is optional. It contains a brief heading of the program and the disk file name. The next few lines are line comments. They begin with a semicolon (;) and terminate with the end of the line. They are ignored and not processed by the assembler.

How do Prolog and Epilog work together in assembly language?

So, in summary of this section, the prolog and epilog are essential features of any assembly language subroutine or function. They work together to initialize the stack for the function and then restore the stack to its original condition after the function executes.

What is assembler language programming?

This type of program is called as ASSEMBLY LANGUAGE PROGRAMMING. The assembler converts and language program. In this respect, the assembler reads an ASCII source file from the disk and program as output. The major different between compilers for a high level machine instructions for each PASCAL statement. The assembler generally emits a


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