Assembly language exam questions and answers

Are assemblers available?

Assemblers are available for just about every processor ever made. Native assemblers produce object code on the same hardware that the object code will run on. Cross assemblers produce object code on different hardware that the object code will run on. format:
Free form or column (depends on the assembly langauge)

ASM-3. Assembly and Data Structures

For each code sample below, indicate the most likely type of the databeing accessed. (If multiple types are equally likely, just pick one.) QUESTION ASM-3A. movzbl %al, %eax QUESTION ASM-3B. movl -28(%rbp), %edx QUESTION ASM-3C. movsbl -32(%rbp), %eax QUESTION ASM-3D. movzwl -30(%rbp), %eax For each code sample below, indicate the most likely data .

Asm-7. Where’s Waldo?

In the following questions, we give you C code and a portion of theassembly generated by some compiler for that code. (Sometimes we blankout a part of the assembly.) The C code contains a variable, constant,or function called waldo, and a point in the assembly is marked withasterisks ***. Your job is to find Waldo: write an assemblyexpression or co.

Do structures and classes exist at the assembly level?

Because so much of Windows development is structures and classes
I want to spend some time going over how you access that memory. Although structures and classes are convenient to deal with in high-level languages
At the assembly-language level they really don't exist.

Is assembly language bad for your career?

Before we jump into assembly language
I need to issue one warning. Some of you are really going to get into assembly language. That's great
But it can lead to a problem for your career. Your bosses have already spoken with me and have asked that you not start jumping into assembly language every chance you get.

What is assembly language?

Here's how Wikipedia defines it:
Assembly language is a low-level programming language for computers
and other integrated circuits. It implements a symbolic representation of the binary machine codes and other constants needed to program a given CPU architecture.

What is the difference between high level language and assembly code?

High level languages use more natural/mathematical notation. Assembly code consists of simple instructions As such many more lines of assembly code are required to perform the same task as a few lines of a high level language. Assembly code is specific to the instruction set of a given processor. High Level languages are not architecture specific.

Indian mass movement

The Assamese Language Movement refers to a series of political activities demanding the recognition of the Assamese Language as the only sole official language and medium of instruction in the educational institutions of Assam


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