Microprocessor and assembly language programming book pdf

What is the difference between C++ and assembly language?

7.2 Assembly and C++ The C++ programming language is an extension of the C language. Many of the basic rules of interfacing C and assembly language also apply to C++. However
Some rules need to be modiļ¬ed. Also
Some of the extensions of C++ are easier to understand with a knowledge of assembly language.

Why is a stand alone program written in assembly language?

It is unusual to create a stand alone program written completely in assembly language. Assembly is usually used to key certain critical rou- tines. Why? It is much easier to program in a higher level language than in assembly. AlsoUsing assembly makes a program very hard to port to other platforms.

What are the applications of assembly language in C/C++ programs?

Another application of assembly language in C/C++ programs is the MMX and SEC instructions that are part of the Pentium class microprocessor and not supported in C/C++. Although C++ does have macros for these commands, they are more complicated to use than using assembly language.

Why does a microprocessor need an assembler program?

The microprocessor requires an assembler program, which generates machine language, because machine language instructions are too complex to efficiently generate by hand. This chapter describes the assembly language syntax and some of its directives. [This text assumes that the user is developing software on an IBM personal computer or clone.


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