Assembly language program to find even and odd numbers in 8086

Does MOV AL test if al is even or odd?

  1. mov al

  2. 101b test al
100b doesn't test if AL is even or odd. Maybe you mean mov al
101b test al
001b where the lowest bit is tested. related:Assembly check if number is even explains why test al

How do I check if a number is odd?

Just add 2 to SI at the end of each iteration - no need to move the elements around. Note that it should be 2
Not 1
Since you're dealing with words. AlsoThere's no need for DIV. You can check whether a number is odd or even by testing the least significant bit using the TEST instruction.

What are the flaws of a short 8086 program?

Nice idea for a short 8086 program. However, it has a few flaws: 1. It expects only one ASCII character, so technically user can input only numbers from '0' (ASCII `0x30`) to '9' (ASCII `0x39`). However, there is no check whether user pressed a number key, or any other key - only `0x30` is subtracted from `AL` after the `INT 0x21` call.

What is 8086 assembly code?

This 8086 assembly code checks even or odd and prints their output. The code is explained in comments line by line. · GitHub Instantly share code, notes, and snippets. This 8086 assembly code checks even or odd and prints their output. The code is explained in comments line by line.

×There are different ways to write an even odd program in assembly language 8086. One way is to use dos interrupt 21h function 01 to take a number as input from the keyboard and check if the number is odd or even. Another way is to define an array of numbers and separate them into even and odd numbers by using address 2000h and 3000h respectively. A sample code for each method is given in the web results.


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