Assembly language program for factorial of a number

How to find the factorial of a number?

In this program we will see how to find the factorial of a number. Write 8086 Assembly language program to find the factorial of a number stored in memory offset 500. Store the result at 600 and 601 memory offset. To find the factorial of a number n we have to repeatedly multiply the numbers from 1 to n.

What is a decimal in assembly language?

Such conversions are however
Has an overhead and assembly language programming allows processing numbers in a more efficient way
In the binary form. Decimal numbers can be represented in two forms:
In ASCII representation
Decimal numbers are stored as string of ASCII characters. For example
The decimal value 1234 is stored as:

What is the data to be used in assembly language?

The data to be used is the actual value of the operand. This is often denoted with a # in assembly language. The data to be used is located in main memory
And the operand specifies the memory location that contains within it another memory location that contains the data. The data is therefore referenced indirectly.

What is the format for assembly language instructions?

The format for Assembly language instructions
Descriptions of their use
And a listing of legal operand types are provided in Appendix A.I. There are two 16-bit registers in the 8051:
PC (program counter) and OPTR (data pointer). The importance and use of the program counter are covered in Section 2.3.

What do you need to know about assembly language programming?

You should know for basic assembly language level programming for any target function calls need to have a return method which is specific to the instruction set architecture. Some use the stack, some use registers, some the stack for this is buried and untouchable some it is clearly visible.


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