Intel 8080 assembly language programming manual

How do I assemble a program in Intellec?

Assembly language source programs must be in a machine-readable form when passed to the assembler. The Intellec development system includes
A text editor that will help you maintain source programs as paper tape files or diskette files. You can then pass the resulting source program fife to the assembler.

What is a computed goto for the 8080 or 8085?

5) This sample macro presents an implementation of a computed GOTO for the 8080 or 8085. The computed GOTO
A common feature of many high level languages
Allows the program to jump to one of a number of different locations depending on the value of a variable.

What is a Intel 8080 cross assembler?

The cross assembler runs on any computer having aFO RTRAN compiler whose word size is 32 bits or greater
Andgenerates programs which run on the 8080. For those readers who do understand programming concepts
Several features of the INTEL 8080 microcomputer are described below. They include:
Interrupt handling

What is the 8080 assembly language instruction set?

This section describes the 8080 assembly language instruction set. Assuming that registers Hand L contain 14H and C3H respectively
The program operates as follows:
For the reader who understands assembly language programming
Appendix A provides a complete summaryof the 8080 instructions. Byte 1432 specifies that the accumulator is to be

How many input and output devices does the 8080 have?

INPUT/OUTPUTTo the 8080, the outside world consists of up to256input devices and 256 output devices. Each device communicates with the 8080 via data bytes sent to or receivedfrom the accumulator, and each device is assigned a numberfrom 0 to 255 which is not under control of the programmer.

What is a Intel 8080 cross assembler?

The cross assembler runs on any computer having aFO RTRAN compiler whose word size is 32 bits or greater, andgenerates programs which run on the 8080. For those readers who do understand programming concepts, several features of the INTEL 8080 microcomputer are described below. They include: interrupt handling

What is the 8080 assembly language instruction set?

This section describes the 8080 assembly language instruction set. Assuming that registers Hand L contain 14H and C3H respectively, the program operates as follows: For the reader who understands assembly language programming, Appendix A provides a complete summaryof the 8080 instructions. Byte 1432 specifies that the accumulator is to be


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