How many assembly languages are there

How many assemblers can a tool have?

Assembly language is defined by the tool, not the target

You can have 100 assemblers for something that let's say is not changing any more like pdp-11, and that means somewhere between 2 and 100 incompatible assembly languages

All at the whim of the author

What are specific assemblers?

Specific assemblers, i e

, the actual computer programming tools used to translate assembly language source codefiles into object files, can be found in Category:Assemblers

Wikimedia Commons has media related to Assembly languages


What are the different types of assembly languages?

There are many, many types of assembly languages

The current most popular are ARM, MIPS, and x86

ARM is used on lots of cell phones and many embedded systems

MIPS is popular on IBM CPUs and is found on systems such as :,Macs, some video game consoles, and a few I'm sure I'm missing

x86 assembler is used on Intel PCs

Why are assembly languages important?

Assembly languages eliminate much of the error-prone, tedious, and time-consuming first-generation programming needed with the earliest computers, freeing programmers from tedium such as :,remembering numeric codes and calculating addresses

They were once widely used for all sorts of programming

How many different assembly languages are there?

If (using random numbers pulled out of thin air) you assume that there are 50 different types of CPUs, an average of 1.5 categories in use for each CPU, and an average of 2 dialects per category; then it'd work out to 150 different assembly languages.

What are the characteristics of an assembly language?

The two most obvious characteristics of an assembly language are: It is specific to a particular CPU architecture. There is a one-to-one correspondence between assembly language commands and machine code instructions (once you strip out labels, assembler directives and code comments).

You should not confuse the following: assembly language (abstract idea with different implementations). assembler (a program, a kind of a compile...6

I would start with Z80, to get the idea of registers, program counter, stack, flags, mnemonics, etc. It is very clean and useful, and not too compl...0


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