Features of assembly language programming

Why is assembler a good programming language?

This makes it a valuable language for low-level programming tasks such as :
Writing device drivers and real-time and embedded systems. Additionally
Assembler language is highly optimized for performance
Allowing programmers to fine-tune the code to take full advantage of the underlying hardware.

×The features of assembly programming language include:
  • It can employ mnemonic operation codes rather than numeric ones, and it offers information about any errors in the code.
  • It aids in specifying the symbolic operand, thus the machine address of that operand is not necessary. It is capable of being represented by a symbol.
  • The information can be expressed using decimal notation.
  • High-level control of various hardware operations.
  • It is extremely faster since it is well optimized to use just the required resources.
  • Good memory management.
Assembly language is a programming language that can be used to directly tell the computer what to do.


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