Assembly language program to find positive and negative numbers in 8085

How to find a number in a string using 8086 assembly language?

Write 8086 Assembly language program to find a number in a string (an array of numbers). The numbers are stored at memory offset 600 onwards. In this program we are taking only 5 numbers. We are searching the number 25. after successful search the DX register will hold the offset address
and BX register will hold the index of that number.

How to make a positive number from a negative number?

For 32 bit DWORD the integer range is from –2147483648 to 2147483647 or in hex -0x80000000 to 0x7FFFFFFF. So the number -1 is present like 0xFFFFFFFF. (Like counter underflow) If the high (31) bit is set then the number is negative. To make positive number from negative (negation) you must make compement of number and add 1.


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