Astrophysics telescopes

Gamma Ray and X-Ray Astronomy

The four telescopes making up the Smithsonian’s Very Energetic Radiation Imaging Telescope Array System (VERITAS) also observe visible light, but ultimately they’re built for studying the highest energy radiation: gamma rays. These gamma rays can’t get all the way through the atmosphere to the ground, but when they strike the air, they produce a sh.

Seeing Farther

For most of history, humans have been limited to what we can see with our eyes and measure with instruments such as astrolabes. The invention and spread of telescopes allowed astronomers to see farther, and to reveal greater detail in closer-by objects. The 19th century invention of photography provided a new way to observe without needing humans p.

Visible-Light Telescopes

The type of astronomy most people are familiar with is visible-light or optical astronomy. While it’s the most ancient, it’s still essential today, since that’s the part of the spectrum where stars emit most of their light. For that reason, visible light is important to study galaxies and detect exoplanets. The Center for Astrophysics | Harvard & S.

For most of history, humans have been limited to what we can see with our eyes and measure with instruments such as a…
Astrophysics telescopes
Astrophysics telescopes

The New Greek Telescope project of the National Observatory of Athens (NOA) was funded by the European Commission and the General Secretariat for Research and Technology of the Hellenic Ministry of Development.The telescope had its first light test in 2005

And became the largest telescope in Greece when it became fully operational at the Chelmos Observatory site in 2007.The telescope is operated by the Institute for Astronomy


Space Applications and Remote Sensing (IAASARS) of the NOA.It is part of the OPTICON consortium of medium size telescopes.

The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT)

The Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (GMRT)

?mi).It was recently upgraded with new receivers

After which it is also known as the upgraded Giant Metrewave Radio Telescope (uGMRT).

The Hale Telescope is a 200-inch (5

The Hale Telescope is a 200-inch (5

Telescope at Palomar Observatory in California, USA


font-style:italic;font-family:Trebuchet MS

  1. Candara
  2. Georgia
  3. Calibri
  4. Corbel

Serif>f/3.3 reflecting telescope at the Palomar Observatory in San Diego County

  1. California
  2. US

Named after astronomer George Ellery Hale.With funding from the Rockefeller Foundation in 1928

He orchestrated the planning


And construction of the observatory

But with the project ending up taking 20 years he did not live to see its commissioning.The Hale was groundbreaking for its time

With double the diameter of the second-largest telescope

And pioneered many new technologies in telescope mount design and in the design and fabrication of its large aluminum coated honeycomb low thermal expansion Pyrex mirror.It was completed in 1949 and is still in active use.

This list of the largest optical reflecting telescopes with objective diameters of

This list of the largest optical reflecting telescopes with objective diameters of

?m) allows fuller use of the aperture synthesis.


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