Astrophysics without physics

Can astrophysics be done without physics?

Without physics, there’s no astrophysics After you have completed your Bachelor’s in Physics, go for a Master’s in Physics

If you are sure that all your basic concepts of physics are strong, you may choose astrophysics in a Master’s degree but most of the professionals avoid it

They advise you to go for a Master’s in Physics

If your goal is to learn about this, sure why not? The internet, books, tv you can learn. Turn this around, could an engineering student who, out...Best answer · 4

You will need to know the mathematics. If you don't have the relevant mathematical background then understanding the physics would be hard because...3

Learning is never a waste. Will the path be difficult? Not at all. Will the path be long and lots of work? You have no idea how long and how much...2


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