Astrophysics without calculus

Can you make a headway with astrophysics without math?

You cannot make any headway with astrophysics without engagement with mathematics that goes well beyond high school level

Statistics is also heavily required in many parts of Astronomy

Have you found Phil Plait's "Bad Astronomy" ? You can learn a lot and get some idea of what sorts of math is involved

Yes, absolutely. At bare minimum, you'll need to study some geometry to understand how distances are calculated and how the shapes of orbits are re...Best answer · 4

It would help quite a bit but not absolutely necessary. Don't get me wrong, astrophysics, like most types of physics, is highly mathematical. If yo...3

Yes, mathematics is essential for all branches of physics and critical for astrophysics. It is required that you improve your mathematical skills t...1

I agree with the answers here suggesting that geometry, algebra, trigonometry, and calculus are all highly helpful. However, if I were you, I woul...1

Generally, astrophysics (and astronomy) is math-heavy. That should not discourage you, but rather act as a way of learning math: it is often easier...3

For most parts of astronomy and astrophysics the level of mathematics required is not very high, compared to what a mathematician would call mathem...3

A book suggestion: The Big Bang by Joseph Silk. The main text is descriptive only, yet deep enough into the topic to be recommended for my third y...2


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