Audit plus professional

How does ManageEngine adaudit plus work?

ManageEngine ADAudit Plus offers just a single download file for all its editions

When installed for the first time, its Professional edition is installed

This will allow unrestricted access to all features of the product for the first 30 days, the default evaluation period

How long does adaudit Plus license last?

Licensing ADAudit Plus ManageEngine ADAudit Plus comes as a Single download file for all editions

When you install the product, the Professional Edition is installed, and will work for 30 days

After 30 days, it will automatically revert to Free Edition, unless the Standard or Professional Edition license is purchased

What is adaudit plus?

ADAudit Plus offers convenient pricing for enterprises of all sizes

The licensing is based on number of Domain Controllers, Windows file servers, EMC file servers, NetApp Filers, Synology NAS servers, Hitachi NAS servers, Huawei NAS servers, Amazon FSx for Windows file servers, Windows servers, and Workstations


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