Unlawful interference aviation examples

What are the security rules for Civil Aviation?

Following the terrible attacks of 2001, the EU has adopted a set of security rules for safeguarding civil aviation

These rules are regularly updated to address evolving risks

Member States retain the right to apply more stringent measures

Article 100 (2) of the Treaty on the Functioning of the European Union

What is an example of unlawful interference?

Examples of such measures are: The crew of a flight that has been subject to unlawful interference would try to notify the appropriate ATS unit of the situation using appropriate methods (e

g call on the frequency, deviation from the current flight plan, transponder code 7500, CPDLC message, etc )

Why is unlawful interference considered a serious hazard to aviation?

Unlawful interference is considered a serious hazard to aviation because the consequences of such acts may impact not only the aircraft and those onboard but also potentially high number of people or critical installations on the ground

Therefore, a variety of countermeasures have been developed


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