Logarithms – University of Plymouth

Logarithms – University of Plymouth

Jan 16 2001 called the logarithm of N to the base a. ... following important rules apply to logarithms. ... Proof that loga MN = loga M + loga N.
PlymouthUniversity MathsandStats logarithms

MATHEMATICS 0110A CHANGE OF BASE Suppose that we have

So we get the following rule: Change of Base Formula: logb a = logc a logc b. Example 1. Express log3 10 using natural logarithms. log3 10 =.
Change of Base

6.2 Properties of Logarithms

integer and rational exponents the full proofs require Calculus. Rule2
S&Z . & .

One-Switch Utility Functions and a Measure of Risk

a proof that does not use either continuity or differentiability. PROPOSITION 2. A utility function satisfies the one-switch rule if and only if it belongs to 

Elementary Functions The logarithm as an inverse function

The positive constant b is called the base (of the logarithm.) Smith (SHSU) We review the three basic logarithm rules we have developed so far.
. Logarithms (slides to )

3.3 The logarithm as an inverse function

naturally flowing out of our rules for exponents. 3.3.1 The meaning of the logarithm The positive constant b is called the base (of the logarithm.).
Lecture Notes . Logarithms

Properties of Exponents and Logarithms

Properties of Logarithms (Recall that logs are only defined for positive values of x.) For the natural logarithm For logarithms base a. 1. lnxy = lnx + lny. 1.
Exponents and Logarithms

Natural Logarithm and Natural Exponential

The function ax is called the exponential function with base a. For example we can prove the first rule in the following way: ▻ ax+y = e(x+y) ln a.

Near-Linear Time Algorithm with Near-Logarithmic Regret Per

Sep 28 2021 logarithmic regret per switch with sub-polynomial complexity per ... Proof. The base algorithm can restart either when we are at.

Proofs and Mathematical Reasoning

may also refer to axioms which are the starting points
Proof and Reasoning

247708Logarithms – University of Plymouth Levelling-Up Basic MathematicsLogarithmsRobin HoranThe aim of this document is to provide a short, self assessment programme for students who wish to acquire a basic competence in the use of logarithms.Copyrightc

2000rhoran@plymouth.ac.ukLast Revision Date: January 16, 2001 Version 1.00

Table of Contents1.Logarithms2.Rules of Logarithms3.Logarithm of a Product4.Logarithm of a Quotient5.Logarithm of a Power6.Use of the Rules of Logarithms7.Quiz on Logarithms8.Change of BasesSolutions to QuizzesSolutions to Problems

Section 1: Logarithms 31. Logarithms (Introduction)LetaandNbe positive real numbers and letN=an:Thennis

called thelogarithm ofNto the basea. We write this asn= logaN:Examples 1(a)Since 16 = 24;then 4 = log216:(b)Since 81 = 34;then 4 = log381:(c)Since 3 =p9 = 912;then 1=2 = log93:(d)Since 31= 1=3;then1 = log3(1=3):

Section 1: Logarithms 4ExerciseUse the denition of logarithm given on the previous page to deter-

mine the value ofxin each of the following.1.x= log3272.x= log51253.x= log2(1=4)4.2 = logx(16)5.3 = log2x

Section 2: Rules of Logarithms 52. Rules of LogarithmsLeta;M;Nbe positive real numbers andkbe any number. Then the

following important rules apply to logarithms.1:logaMN= logaM+ logaN

2:logaMN= logaMlogaN


4:logaa= 1

5:loga1 = 0

Section 3: Logarithm of a Product 63. Logarithm of a Product1. Proof thatlogaMN= logaM+ logaN:Examples 2(a)log64 + log69 = log6(49) = log636:

Ifx= log636;then 6x= 36 = 62:

Thus log

64 + log69 = 2:(b)log520 + log414= log52014:

Now 2014= 5 so log520 + log414= log55 = 1:Quiz.To which of the following numbers does the expression log

315 + log306 simplify?(a)4(b)3(c)2(d)1

Section 4: Logarithm of a Quotient 74. Logarithm of a Quotient1. Proof thatlogaMN= logaMlogaN:Examples 3(a)log240log25 = log2405= log28:

Ifx= log28 then 2x= 8 = 23;sox= 3:(b)If log35 = 1:465 then we can nd log306:

Since 3=5 = 06;then log306 = log335= log33log35:

Now log

33 = 1;so that log306 = 11465 =0465Quiz.To which of the following numbers does

the expression log


Section 5: Logarithm of a Power 85. Logarithm of a Power1. Proof thatlogamk=klogaMExamples 4(a)Find log10(1=10000):We have 10000 = 104;so 1=10000 =

1=104= 104:

Thus log

10(1=10000) = log10104=4log1010 =4;where

we have used rule 4 to write log

1010 = 1.(b)Find log366:We have 6 =p36 = 3612:

Thus log

366 = log36


12log3636 =12:Quiz.If log35 = 1465;which of the following numbers is log3004?(a)-2.930(b)-1.465(c)-3.465(d)2.930

Section 6: Use of the Rules of Logarithms 96. Use of the Rules of LogarithmsIn this section we look at some applications of the rules of logarithms.Examples 5(a)log41 = 0:(b)log1010 = 1:(c)log10125 + log108 = log10(1258) = log101000

= log

10103= 3log1010 = 3:(d)2log105 + log104 = log1052+ log104 = log10(254)

= log

10100 = log10102= 2log1010 = 2:(e)3loga4+loga(1=4)4loga2 = loga43+loga(1=4)loga24

= log a4314loga24= loga42loga24 = log a16loga16 = 0:

Section 6: Use of the Rules of Logarithms 10ExerciseUse the rules of logarithms to simplify each of the following.1.3log32log34 + log3122.3log105 + 5log102log1043.2loga6(loga4 + 2loga3)4.5log36(2log34 + log318)5.3log4(p3)12log43 + 3log42log46

Section 7: Quiz on Logarithms 117. Quiz on LogarithmsIn each of the following, ndx:Begin Quiz1.logx1024 = 2(a)23(b)24(c)22(d)252.x= (logap27logap8logap125)=(loga6loga20)(a)1(b)3(c)3/2(d)-2/33.logc(10 +x)logcx= logc5)(a)2.5(b)4.5(c)5.5(d)7.5End Quiz

Section 8: Change of Bases 128. Change of BasesThere is one other rule for logarithms which is extremely useful in

practice. This relates logarithms in one base to logarithms in a dier- ent base. Most calculators will have, as standard, a facility for nding logarithms to the base 10 and also for logarithms to basee(natural logarithms). What happens if a logarithm to a dierent base, for

example 2, is required? The following is the rule that is needed.logac= logablogbc1. Proof of the above rule

Section 8: Change of Bases 13The most frequently used form of the rule is obtained by rearranging the rule on the previous page. We have log ac= logablogbcso logbc=logaclogab:Examples 6(a)Using a calculator we nd that log103 = 047712 and log

107 = 084510:Using the above rule,


37 =log107log103=084510047712= 177124:(b)We can do the same calculation using instead logs to basee.

Using a calculator, log

e3 = 109861 and loge7 = 194591: Thus log

37 =ln7ln3=194591109861= 177125:

The calculations have all been done to ve decimal places, which explains the slight dierence in answers. Section 8: Change of Bases 14(c)Given only that log105 = 069897 we can still nd log25;as follows. First we have 2 = 10=5 so log

102 = log10105

= log


= 1069897 = 030103: Then log

25 =log105log102=069897030103= 232193:

Solutions to Quizzes 15Solutions to QuizzesSolution to Quiz:

Using rule 1 we have


315 + log306 = log3(1506) = log39

But 9 = 3

2so log

315 + log306 = log332= 2:End Quiz

Solutions to Quizzes 16Solution to Quiz:

Using rule 2 we have


212log234= log21234

Now we have 1234= 1243=1243= 16:

Thus log

212log234= log216 = log224:

Ifx= log224;then 2x= 24;sox= 4:End Quiz

Solutions to Quizzes 17Solution to Quiz:

Note that

004 = 4=100 = 1=25 = 1=52= 52:

Thus log

3004 = log352=2log35:

Since log

35 = 1465;we have


3005 =21465 =2:930:End Quiz

Solutions to Problems 18Solutions to ProblemsProblem 1. Since x= log327 then, by the denition of a logarithm, we have 3 x= 27:

But 27 = 3

3;so we have

3 x= 27 = 33; giving x= 3:

Solutions to Problems 19Problem 2.

Sincex= log255 then, by the denition of a log-

arithm, 25
x= 5: Now

5 =p25 = 2512;

so that 25
x= 5 = 2512;

From this we see thatx= 1=2:

Solutions to Problems 20Problem 3.

Sincex= log2(1=4);then, by the denition of a

logarithm, 2 x= 1=4 = 1=(22) = 22:


Solutions to Problems 21Problem 4.

Since 2 = log

x(16) then, by the denition of log- arithm, x

2= 16 = 42:

Thus x= 4:

Solutions to Problems 22Problem 5.

Since 3 = log

2x, by the denition of logarithm,

we must have 2 3=x:

Thusx= 8:

Solutions to Problems 23Problem 1.

Letm= logaMandn= logaN;so, by denition,M=amand



where we have used the appropriate rule for exponents. From this, using the denition of a logarithm, we have m+n= loga(MN): Butm+n= logaM+logaN;and the above equation may be written log aM+ logaN= loga(MN); which is what we wanted to prove.

Solutions to Problems 24Problem 1.

As before, letm= logaMandn= logaN:ThenM=amand

N=an:Now we have


where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. By the denition of a logarithm, we have mn= logaMN

From this we are able to deduce that

log aMlogaN=mn= logaMN

Solutions to Problems 25Problem 1.

Letm= logaM;soM=am:Then

M k= (am)k=amk=akm; where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. From this we have, by the denition of a logarithm, km= logaMk:

Butm= logaM;so the last equation can be written

klogaM=km= logaMk; Levelling-Up Basic MathematicsLogarithmsRobin HoranThe aim of this document is to provide a short, self assessment programme for students who wish to acquire a basic competence in the use of logarithms.Copyrightc

2000rhoran@plymouth.ac.ukLast Revision Date: January 16, 2001 Version 1.00

Table of Contents1.Logarithms2.Rules of Logarithms3.Logarithm of a Product4.Logarithm of a Quotient5.Logarithm of a Power6.Use of the Rules of Logarithms7.Quiz on Logarithms8.Change of BasesSolutions to QuizzesSolutions to Problems

Section 1: Logarithms 31. Logarithms (Introduction)LetaandNbe positive real numbers and letN=an:Thennis

called thelogarithm ofNto the basea. We write this asn= logaN:Examples 1(a)Since 16 = 24;then 4 = log216:(b)Since 81 = 34;then 4 = log381:(c)Since 3 =p9 = 912;then 1=2 = log93:(d)Since 31= 1=3;then1 = log3(1=3):

Section 1: Logarithms 4ExerciseUse the denition of logarithm given on the previous page to deter-

mine the value ofxin each of the following.1.x= log3272.x= log51253.x= log2(1=4)4.2 = logx(16)5.3 = log2x

Section 2: Rules of Logarithms 52. Rules of LogarithmsLeta;M;Nbe positive real numbers andkbe any number. Then the

following important rules apply to logarithms.1:logaMN= logaM+ logaN

2:logaMN= logaMlogaN


4:logaa= 1

5:loga1 = 0

Section 3: Logarithm of a Product 63. Logarithm of a Product1. Proof thatlogaMN= logaM+ logaN:Examples 2(a)log64 + log69 = log6(49) = log636:

Ifx= log636;then 6x= 36 = 62:

Thus log

64 + log69 = 2:(b)log520 + log414= log52014:

Now 2014= 5 so log520 + log414= log55 = 1:Quiz.To which of the following numbers does the expression log

315 + log306 simplify?(a)4(b)3(c)2(d)1

Section 4: Logarithm of a Quotient 74. Logarithm of a Quotient1. Proof thatlogaMN= logaMlogaN:Examples 3(a)log240log25 = log2405= log28:

Ifx= log28 then 2x= 8 = 23;sox= 3:(b)If log35 = 1:465 then we can nd log306:

Since 3=5 = 06;then log306 = log335= log33log35:

Now log

33 = 1;so that log306 = 11465 =0465Quiz.To which of the following numbers does

the expression log


Section 5: Logarithm of a Power 85. Logarithm of a Power1. Proof thatlogamk=klogaMExamples 4(a)Find log10(1=10000):We have 10000 = 104;so 1=10000 =

1=104= 104:

Thus log

10(1=10000) = log10104=4log1010 =4;where

we have used rule 4 to write log

1010 = 1.(b)Find log366:We have 6 =p36 = 3612:

Thus log

366 = log36


12log3636 =12:Quiz.If log35 = 1465;which of the following numbers is log3004?(a)-2.930(b)-1.465(c)-3.465(d)2.930

Section 6: Use of the Rules of Logarithms 96. Use of the Rules of LogarithmsIn this section we look at some applications of the rules of logarithms.Examples 5(a)log41 = 0:(b)log1010 = 1:(c)log10125 + log108 = log10(1258) = log101000

= log

10103= 3log1010 = 3:(d)2log105 + log104 = log1052+ log104 = log10(254)

= log

10100 = log10102= 2log1010 = 2:(e)3loga4+loga(1=4)4loga2 = loga43+loga(1=4)loga24

= log a4314loga24= loga42loga24 = log a16loga16 = 0:

Section 6: Use of the Rules of Logarithms 10ExerciseUse the rules of logarithms to simplify each of the following.1.3log32log34 + log3122.3log105 + 5log102log1043.2loga6(loga4 + 2loga3)4.5log36(2log34 + log318)5.3log4(p3)12log43 + 3log42log46

Section 7: Quiz on Logarithms 117. Quiz on LogarithmsIn each of the following, ndx:Begin Quiz1.logx1024 = 2(a)23(b)24(c)22(d)252.x= (logap27logap8logap125)=(loga6loga20)(a)1(b)3(c)3/2(d)-2/33.logc(10 +x)logcx= logc5)(a)2.5(b)4.5(c)5.5(d)7.5End Quiz

Section 8: Change of Bases 128. Change of BasesThere is one other rule for logarithms which is extremely useful in

practice. This relates logarithms in one base to logarithms in a dier- ent base. Most calculators will have, as standard, a facility for nding logarithms to the base 10 and also for logarithms to basee(natural logarithms). What happens if a logarithm to a dierent base, for

example 2, is required? The following is the rule that is needed.logac= logablogbc1. Proof of the above rule

Section 8: Change of Bases 13The most frequently used form of the rule is obtained by rearranging the rule on the previous page. We have log ac= logablogbcso logbc=logaclogab:Examples 6(a)Using a calculator we nd that log103 = 047712 and log

107 = 084510:Using the above rule,


37 =log107log103=084510047712= 177124:(b)We can do the same calculation using instead logs to basee.

Using a calculator, log

e3 = 109861 and loge7 = 194591: Thus log

37 =ln7ln3=194591109861= 177125:

The calculations have all been done to ve decimal places, which explains the slight dierence in answers. Section 8: Change of Bases 14(c)Given only that log105 = 069897 we can still nd log25;as follows. First we have 2 = 10=5 so log

102 = log10105

= log


= 1069897 = 030103: Then log

25 =log105log102=069897030103= 232193:

Solutions to Quizzes 15Solutions to QuizzesSolution to Quiz:

Using rule 1 we have


315 + log306 = log3(1506) = log39

But 9 = 3

2so log

315 + log306 = log332= 2:End Quiz

Solutions to Quizzes 16Solution to Quiz:

Using rule 2 we have


212log234= log21234

Now we have 1234= 1243=1243= 16:

Thus log

212log234= log216 = log224:

Ifx= log224;then 2x= 24;sox= 4:End Quiz

Solutions to Quizzes 17Solution to Quiz:

Note that

004 = 4=100 = 1=25 = 1=52= 52:

Thus log

3004 = log352=2log35:

Since log

35 = 1465;we have


3005 =21465 =2:930:End Quiz

Solutions to Problems 18Solutions to ProblemsProblem 1. Since x= log327 then, by the denition of a logarithm, we have 3 x= 27:

But 27 = 3

3;so we have

3 x= 27 = 33; giving x= 3:

Solutions to Problems 19Problem 2.

Sincex= log255 then, by the denition of a log-

arithm, 25
x= 5: Now

5 =p25 = 2512;

so that 25
x= 5 = 2512;

From this we see thatx= 1=2:

Solutions to Problems 20Problem 3.

Sincex= log2(1=4);then, by the denition of a

logarithm, 2 x= 1=4 = 1=(22) = 22:


Solutions to Problems 21Problem 4.

Since 2 = log

x(16) then, by the denition of log- arithm, x

2= 16 = 42:

Thus x= 4:

Solutions to Problems 22Problem 5.

Since 3 = log

2x, by the denition of logarithm,

we must have 2 3=x:

Thusx= 8:

Solutions to Problems 23Problem 1.

Letm= logaMandn= logaN;so, by denition,M=amand



where we have used the appropriate rule for exponents. From this, using the denition of a logarithm, we have m+n= loga(MN): Butm+n= logaM+logaN;and the above equation may be written log aM+ logaN= loga(MN); which is what we wanted to prove.

Solutions to Problems 24Problem 1.

As before, letm= logaMandn= logaN:ThenM=amand

N=an:Now we have


where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. By the denition of a logarithm, we have mn= logaMN

From this we are able to deduce that

log aMlogaN=mn= logaMN

Solutions to Problems 25Problem 1.

Letm= logaM;soM=am:Then

M k= (am)k=amk=akm; where we have used the appropriate rule for indices. From this we have, by the denition of a logarithm, km= logaMk:

Butm= logaM;so the last equation can be written

klogaM=km= logaMk;
  1. logarithm base change rule proof
  2. log base change rule proof