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  • How often should you use home dermabrasion?

    However, patients typically need between five and twelve sessions (spaced two to three weeks apart) to achieve their skincare goals, and microdermabrasion results vary from person to person. However, since the skin regenerates itself every 30 days, microdermabrasion effects are only temporary, so they’ll have to be repeated over time.

  • What are the side effects of home dermabrasion?

    Common side effects include moderate tenderness, swelling, and redness, all of which typically dissipate within a few hours after treatment. Though less common, minor bruising can occur due to the suction action during the procedure. Is At-Home Microdermabrasion Effective?

  • What are the benefits of home dermabrasion?

    Dermabrasion is a skin-resurfacing procedure that uses a rapidly rotating device to remove the outer layer of skin. The skin that grows back is usually smoother. Dermabrasion can decrease the appearance of fine facial lines and improve the look of many skin flaws, including acne scars, scars from surgery, age spots and wrinkles.

  • How does home dermabrasion work?

    Dermabrasion is a skin-resurfacing procedure that uses a rapidly rotating device to remove the outer layer of skin. The skin that grows back is usually smoother.

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