[PDF] cell cycle arrest

Cell Cycle

To Arrest or Not To G2-M Cell-Cycle Arrest - Clinical Cancer Research

G2-M arrest Mitosis follows DNA replication in the G2 phase of the cell-cycle after the mitotic Cdk, Cdk1(cdc2), is activated As diagramed in Fig

Mechanisms of Induction of Cell Cycle Arrest and Cell Death by

Wortmannin, an in- hibitor of ataxia telangiectasia–mutated and DNA-dependent protein kinase (DNA-PK), caused cell cycle arrest at G1 phase without inducing p53 

Cell-cycle arrest versus cell death in cancer therapy - Nature

ities, all of which induce p53-dependent cell-cycle arrest'-s, pro- vide tumor specificity, killing cancer cells more efficiently than normal cells

Understanding and controlling the cell cycle with natural products

Mam- malian cells also arrest in G2 in response either to DNA damage sustained during S phase, or incomplete DNA replication [23] A distinct G2 checkpoint may 

[PDF] Cell Cycle Arrest of cdc Mutants and Specificity of the RAD9 - NCBI

We found that in four cdc mutants the cdc rad9 cells failed to arrest after a shift to the restrictive temperature, rather they continued cell division and died 

DNA damage and p53-mediated cell cycle arrest - PNAS

mines, depending on the extent of the damage, whether the cell needs to arrest cell cycle progression at the subsequent checkpoint for further repair p53 

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