[PDF] Treaty Series Recueil des Traits

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10 avr. 2006 si l'Unité “défenseurs” de la Commission interaméricaine des droits de ... plusieurs procédures judiciaires accusée entre autre de “ ...


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La possibilité d'initier des procédures judiciaires et de participer en tion impliquant la commission de crimes de guerre de crimes contre l'humanité.

Treaty Series Recueil des Traits

23 oct. 1991 France and Pakistan: Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the abolition of entry/exit visas for nationals of both countries.

FIDH - Rapport 2004 XP4

En avril 2004 la Commission des droits de l'Homme des Nations unies réaf- La possibilité d'initier des procédures judiciaires et de participer en tant ...

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7 juil. 2022 pris conjointement par la Ville de Lyon et la Métropole de Lyon. 4331 - 16 mai 2022 - Recours en annulation de M. T. B. contre l'arrêté ...

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nombreuses fois pour me deman- Tour de Guinette : le drapeau français réinstallé ... commissions étaient réunis autour de Franck Marlin la sous-.


de la banque de France ont « déposé » la première pierre du en commissions

Treaty Series Recueil des Traits

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

Recueil des Traits

Traites et accords internationaux

enregistris ou classis et inscrits au ripertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

Copyright © United Nations 1999

All rights reserved

Manufactured in the United States of America

Copyright © Nations Unies 1999

Tous droits rdservds

Imprim6 aux Etats-Unis d'Am6rique

Treaty Series

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations


Recueil des Traitis

Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistrdis ou classjs et inscrits au repertoire au Secritariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

United Nations * Nations Unies

New York, 1999

Treaties and international agreements

registered or filed and recorded with the Secretariat of the United Nations

VOLUME 1663 1992 I. Nos. 28609-28619



Treaties and international agreements

registered from 23 January 1992 to 29 January 1992 Page

No. 28609. France and China:

Exchange of letters constituting a consular agreement. Beijing, 29 April 1991 ........ 3

No. 28610. France and Pakistan:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement on the abolition of entry/exit visas

for nationals of both countries. Paris, 12 July 1991 .............................................. 11

No. 28611. France and Luxembourg:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement concerning the application of the European Convention of 13 December 1957 on extradition to the French Overseas Territories and territorial collectivities. Luxembourg, 17 July 1991... 15

No. 28612. France and Luxembourg:

Exchange of letters constituting an agreement relating the extension of the Euro- pean Convention of 20 April 1959 on mutual assistance in criminal matters to the French Overseas Territories and territorial collectivities. Luxembourg,

17 Ju ly 199 1 ............................................................................................................... .2 1

No. 28613. Multilateral:

Agreement on a comprehensive political settlement of the Cambodia conflict (with annexes). Concluded at Paris on 23 October 1991 Agreement concerning the sovereignty, independence, territorial integrity and inviolability, neutrality and national unity of Cambodia. Concluded at Paris on 23 October 1991 Declaration on the rehabilitation and reconstruction of Cambodia. Signed at Paris

on 23 O ctober 1991 ................................................................................................... .27

Vol. 1663

Traitis et accords internationaux

enregistrs ou classe's et inscrits au ripertoire au Secretariat de l'Organisation des Nations Unies

VOLUME 1663 1992 I. Nos 28609-28619



Traitds et accords internationaux

enregistr,6s du 23 janvier 1992 au 29 janvier 1992 Pages

NO 28609. France et Chine:

tchange de lettres constituant un accord consulaire. Beijing, 29 avril 1991 ............. 3

NO 28610. France et Pakistan :

tchange de lettres constituant un accord portant suppression des visas de sortie et de retour pour les ressortissants des deux pays. Paris, 12 juillet 1991 .......... 11 N 0

28611. France et Luxembourg:

tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif A l'application aux Territoires frangais d'Outre-Mer et collectivit6s territoriales frangaises de la Convention europ~enne d'extradition du 13 ddcembre 1957. Luxembourg, 17 juillet 1991.. 15 N 0

28612. France et Luxembourg:

tchange de lettres constituant un accord relatif A l'application aux Territoires frangais d'Outre-Mer et collectivit6s territoriales frangaises de la Convention europ6enne d'entraide judiciaire en mati~re p6nale du 20 avril 1959. Luxem-

bourg, 17 juillet 1991 ................................................................................................. .21

NO 28613. Multilateral:

Accord pour un rbglement politique global du conflit du Cambodge (avec an- nexes). Conclu A Paris le 23 octobre 1991 Accord relatif A la souverainet6, l'ind6pendance, l'intdgritd et l'inviolabilit6 ter- ritoriales, la neutralit6 et l'unit6 nationale du Cambodge. Conclu A Paris le

23 octobre 1991

D6claration sur le relvement et la reconstruction du Cambodge. Sign6 A Paris le

23 octobre 199 1 .......................................................................................................... 27

Vol. 1663

VI United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks 1992 Page No. 28614. Finland and United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern


Memorandum of Understanding regarding mutual administrative assistance be- tween their customs authorities. Signed at Helsinki on 26 July 1990 ................ 307 No. 28615. Finland and Union of Soviet Socialist Republics: Agreement concerning the regulations governing Lake Saimaa and the Vuoksi River (with annexes). Signed at Helsinki on 26 October 1989 ............................ 325 No. 28616. United Nations Industrial Development Organization and Albania: Basic Cooperation Agreement. Signed at Vienna on 8 November 1991 .................... 355 No. 28617. United Nations Industrial Development Organization and Djibouti: Standard Basic Cooperation Agreement. Signed at Vienna on 21 November

199 1 .............................................................................................................................. 399

No. 28618. United Nations Industrial Development Organization and Saint

Vincent and the Grenadines:

Basic Co-operation Agreement. Signed at Kingstown on 1 November 1991 and at

V ienna on 28 N ovem ber 1991 .................................................................................. 433

No. 28619. United Nations (United Nations Conference on Trade and Develop- ment) and Colombia: Agreement on the arrangements for the eighth session of the United Nations Con- ference on Trade and Development, to be held in Cartagena de Indias, Colom- bia, from 8 to 25 February 1992 (with annexes). Signed at Geneva on 29 Jan-

u ary 1992 ..................................................................................................................... 467

ANNEX A. Ratifications, accessions, subsequent agreements, etc., con- cerning treaties and international agreements registered with the

Secretariat of the United Nations

No. 8940. European Agreement concerning the International Carriage of Dan- gerous Goods by Road (ADR). Done at Geneva, on 30 September 1957:
Entry into force of amendments to appendix B.6 of annex B, as amended, of the

above-m entioned Agreem ent ................................................................................... 470

Vol. 1663

1992 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s VII

Pages NO 28614. Finlande et Royaume-Uni de Grande-Bretagne et d'Irlande du

Nord :

M6morandum d'accord concernant l'assistance mutuelle administrative entre leurs autorit6s douani~res respectives. Signd A Helsinki le 26 juillet 1990 ........ 307 N O

28615. Finlande et Union des Ripubliques socialistes soviitiques :

Accord relatif aux r~gles de rdgularisation des effluents du lac Saimaa et de la riviire Vuoksi (avec annexes). Signd A Helsinki le 26 octobre 1989 ................... 325 NO 28616. Organisation des Nations Unies pour le d~veloppement industriel et

Albanie :

Accord de base type en mati~re de cooperation. Sign6 A Vienne le 8 novembre

199 1 .............................................................................................................................. 35 5

NO 28617. Organisation des Nations Unies pour le d~veloppement industriel et

Djibouti :

Accord de base type en mati~re de coopdration. Sign6 A Vienne le 21 novembre

199 1 .............................................................................................................................. 399


28618. Organisation des Nations Unies pour le d6veloppement industriel et

Saint-Vincent et les Grenadines :

Accord de base en mati~re de cooperation. Sign6 A Kingstown le 1 er novembre

1991 et A Vienne le 28 novem bre 1991 .................................................................... 433

N 0

28619. Organisation des Nations Unies (Conference des Nations Unies sur

le commerce et le diveloppement) et Colombie : Accord relatif A l'organisation de la huiti~me session de la Conference des Nations Unies sur le commerce et le d6veloppement, devant avoir lieu A Cartagena de Indias (Colombie) du 8 au 25 f6vrier 1992 (avec annexes). Sign6 A Gen~ve le

29 janvier 1992 ............................................................................................................ 467

ANNEXE A. Ratifications, adhesions, accords ultgrieurs, etc., concernant des trait~s et accords internationaux enregistrs au Secritariat de

1'Organisation des Nations Unies


8940. Accord europ~en relatif au transport international des marchandises

dangereuses par route (ADR). Fait i Gen~ve, le 30 septembre 1957 : Entr6e en vigueur d'amendements A l'appendice B.6 de 'annexe B remani6e de

l'A ccord susm entionn6 ............................................................................................. 473

Vol. 1663

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks Page No. 10716. Convention between France and Switzerland concerning adjoining national frontier clearance offices and frontier clearance oper- ations in transit. Signed at Berne on 28 September 1960: Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention, confirming the Arrangement for the establishment of a joint na- tional control office at the Basel-Mulhouse airport and the establishment of

zones. Paris 26 M arch 1971 ...................................................................................... 518

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, confirming the Arrangement for the estab- lishment at the Geneva-Cointrin Airport, in Swiss territory, of an adjoining national frontier clearance office. Paris, 17 October 1977 ................................... 522 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, amending the exchange of notes of

26 March 1971 confirming the Arrangement for the establishment of a joint

national control office at the Basel-Mulhouse airport and the establishment of

zones. Paris, 17 O ctober 1977 .................................................................................. 527

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, confirming the Arrangement for the estab- lishment on the direct road linking laboratories I and II of the European Organisation for Nuclear Research, in French territory, of an adjoining na- tional frontier clearance office. Paris, 17 October 1977 ....................................... 530 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, confirming the Arrangement for the estab- lishment of an adjoining national frontier clearance office on the road linking Allschwill to Hegenheim. Paris, 23 June and 25 September 1981 ....................... 534 Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, confirming the Arrangement on the status of the freight hall (F.L.F.) at the Basel-Mulhouse Airport. Paris, 12 August

19 82 .............................................................................................................................. 537

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, confirming the Arrangement of 10 No- vember 1981 for the establishment at the Geneva-Cointrin Airport, on Swiss territory, of an adjoining national frontier clearance office. Paris, 29 August

19 83 .............................................................................................................................. 540

Exchange of notes constituting an agreement relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, confirming the Regulations on the status of the freight hall (F.L.F) at the Basel-Mulhouse Airport. Paris, 16 January

1985 .............................................................................................................................. 544

Termination of the Exchange of notes of 17 October 1977 constituting an agree- ment relating to the above-mentioned Convention of 28 September 1960, confirming the Arrangement for the establishment at the Geneva-Cointrin Airport, on Swiss territory, of an adjoining national frontier clearance office

(N ote by the Secretariat) .......................................................................................... 547

Vol. 1663

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traites Pages NO 10716. Convention entre la France et la Suisse relative aux bureaux i con- tr6les nationaux juxtaposes et aux contrfles en cours de route.

Signee A Berne le 28 septembre 1960 :

tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionn~e, confirmant l'Arrangement relatif A la crdation d'un bureau b contr6les natio- naux juxtaposs l'adrodrome de Bile-Mulhouse et portant ddlimitation des

secteurs. Paris, 26 m ars 1971 .................................................................................... 476

tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionnde du

28 septembre 1960, confirmant l'Arrangement relatif A la crdation dans l'arro-

port de Gen~ve-Cointrin, en territoire suisse, d'un bureau A contr6les natio-

naux juxtapos s. Paris, 17 octobre 1977 ................................................................. 481

lchange de notes constituant un accord relative A la Convention susmentionnre du 28 septembre 1960 modifiant l'6change de notes du 26 mars 1971 confir- mant l'Arrangement relatif A la crdation d'un bureau A contr6les nationaux juxtaposds A l'adrodrome de Bile-Mulhouse et portant ddlimitation des sec-

teurs. Paris, 17 octobre 1977 .................................................................................... 489

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionnde du

28 septembre 1960, confirmant ]'Arrangement relatif A la crdation sur la voie

directe reliant les laboratoires I et II de r'Organisation europdenne pour la recherche nucIdaire, en territoire franqais, d'un bureau A contr6les nationaux

juxtaposds. Paris, 17 octobre 1977 .......................................................................... 492

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionnde du

28 septembre 1960, confirmant l'Arrangement relatif A la cr6ation d'un bureau

A contr6les nationaux juxtaposds sur la route reliant Allschwil A Hegenheim.

Paris, 23 juin et 25 septem bre 1981 ......................................................................... 497

Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif b la Convention susmentionnde du

28 septembre 1960, confirmant l'Arrangement relatif au statut de la halle de

fret, dite F.L.F., A l'adroport de Bale-Mulhouse. Paris, 12 aofit 1982 ................. 502 Echange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionnde du

28 septembre 1960, confirmant l'Arrangement du 10 novembre 1981 relatif

, la crdation dans l'atroport de Gen~ve-Cointrin, en territoire suisse, d'un bureau A contr6les nationaux juxtaposds. Paris, 29 aofit 1983 ............................ 506 tchange de notes constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionnre du

28 septembre 1960, confirmant le R~glement relatif au statut de la halle de fret,

dite F.L.F., b l'a6roport de Bale-Mulhouse. Paris, 16 janvier 1985 ..................... 513 Abrogation de l'tchange de notes du 17 octobre 1977 constituant un accord relatif A la Convention susmentionn~e du 28 septembre 1960, confirmant l'Arrange- ment relatif A la creation dans l'adroport de Gen~ve-Cointrin, en territoire suisse, d'un bureau A contr6les nationaux juxtaposs (Note du Secrtariat).. 517

Vol. 1663

United Nations -Treaty Series -Nations Unies -Recueil des Trait~s Page No. 14531. International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on

16 December 1966:

No. 14668. International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights. Adopted by the General Assembly of the United Nations on 16 December 1966:

A ccessions by B razil ......................................................................................................... 548

No. 22495. Convention on prohibitions or restrictions on the use of certain con- ventional weapons which may be deemed to be excessively injuri- ous or to have indiscriminate effects. Concluded at Geneva on

10 October 1980:

R atification by G reece ..................................................................................................... 549

No. 25567. United Nations Convention on Contracts for the International Sale of Goods. Concluded at Vienna on 11 April 1980:

A ccession by E cuador ...................................................................................................... 549

No. 27450. Basic Co-operation Agreement between the United Nations Indus- trial Development Organization and the Government of the Re- public of Cameroon. Signed at Vienna on 24 April 1989:

D efinitive entry into force ................................................................................................ 550

No. 27627. United Nations Convention against illicit Traffic in Narcotic Drugs and Psychotropic Substances. Concluded at Vienna on 20 De- cember 1988:

R atification by G reece ...................................................................................................... 551

International Labour Organisation

No. 593. Convention (No. 10) concerning the age for admission of children to employment in agriculture, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva,

16 November 1921, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Con-

vention, 1946:

R atification by Sri L anka ................................................................................................. 552

No. 596. Convention (No. 13) concerning the use of white lead in painting, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its third session, Geneva, 19 November 1921, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

Ratification by the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics ............................................. 552

Vol. 1663

United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitks Pages N 0

14531. Pacte international relatif aux droits kconomiques, sociaux et cultu-

rels. Adoptk par I'Assembl~e gknrale des Nations Unies le 16 d6- cembre 1966: NO 14668. Pacte international relatif aux droits civils et politiques. Adoptk par I'Assembl6e gknkrale des Nations Unies le 16 dkcembre 1966 :

A dh6sions du B r6sil .......................................................................................................... 548

NO 22495. Convention sur l'interdiction ou la limitation de Iemploi de cer- taines armes classiques qui peuvent ftre considirkes comme pro- duisant des effets traumatiques excessifs ou comme frappant sans discrimination. Conclue A Genve le 10 octobre 1980 :

R atification de la G r ce .................................................................................................... 549

NO 25567. Convention des Nations Unies sur les contrats de vente internatio- nale de marchandises. Conclue i Vienne le 11 avril 1980 :

A dh6sion de l't quateur .................................................................................................... 549

NO 27450. Accord de base en mati~re de cooperation entre I'Organisation des Nations Unies pour le d~veloppement industriel et le Gouverne- ment de la Republique du Cameroun. Sign6 A Vienne le 24 avril

1989 :

E ntree en vigueur definitive ............................................................................................. 550

NO 27627. Convention des Nations Unies contre le trafic illicite de stupfiants et de substances psychotropes. Conclue A Vienne le 20 d~cembre 1988:

R atification de la G race .................................................................................................... 551

Organisation internationale du Travail

NO 593. Convention (n

10) concernant l'ige d'admission des enfants an travail

dans I'agriculture, adoptke par la Conference g~nerale de l'Organi- sation internationale du Travail i sa troisiime session, Genive, 16 no- vembre 1921, telle qu'elle a t6 modifike par la Convention portant revision des articles finals, 1946 :

R atification du Sri L anka ................................................................................................. 553

NO 596. Convention (n


13) concernant I'emploi de la ckruse dans la peinture,

adoptie par la Confirence gknkrale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa troisiime session, Genive, 19 novembre 1921, telle qu'elle a W modifi~e par la Convention portant rivision des articles finals, 1946 : Ratification de l'Union des Rdpubliques socialistes sovi6tiques ............... 553

Vol. 1663

Xil United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis 1992 Page No. 637. Convention (No. 62) concerning safety provisions in the building industry, adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its twenty-third session, Geneva, 23 June

1937, as modified by the Final Articles Revision Convention, 1946:

D enunciation by G uatem ala ............................................................................................. 534

No. 1070. Convention (No. 89) concerning night work of women employed in industry (revised 1948). Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its thirty-first session, San

Francisco, 9 July 1948:

D enunciation by Cuba ...................................................................................................... 534

No. 4738. Convention (No. 107) concerning the protection and integration of indigenous and other tribal and semi-tribal populations in inde- pendent countries. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its fortieth session, Geneva,

26 June 1957:

D enunciation by B olivia ................................................................................................... 556

No. 16064. Convention (No. 141) concerning organisations of rural workers and their role in economic and social development. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisa- tion at its sixtieth session, Geneva, 23 June 1975:

R atification by Poland ....................................................................................................... 556

No. 19183. Convention (No. 150) concerning labour administration: role, func- tions and organisation. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its sixty-fourth session,

Geneva, 26 June 1978:

R atification by E gypt ........................................................................................................ 558

No. 23439. Convention (No. 159) concerning vocational rehabilitation and em- ployment (disabled persons). Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its sixty-ninth ses- sion, Geneva, 20 June 1983:

R atification by Yem en ....................................................................................................... 558

No. 27865. Convention (No. 167) concerning safety and health in construction. Adopted by the General Conference of the International Labour Organisation at its seventy-fifth session, Geneva, 20 June 1988:

Ratifications by Guatemala and Sweden ....................................................................... 560

Vol. 1663

1992 United Nations -Treaty Series * Nations Unies -Recueil des Traitis XIII


NO 637. Convention (n

62) concernant les prescriptions de scurit6 dans rin-

dustrie du bitiment, adoptie par la Conference g~nkrale de l'Or- ganisation internationale du Travail A sa vingt-troisi~me session, Genive, 23 juin 1937, telle qu'elle a W modifike par ia Convention portant rkvision des articles finals, 1946 :

D nonciation du G uatem ala ............................................................................................. 555


1070. Convention (n


89) concernant le travail de nuit des femmes occupies

dans l'industrie (rkviske en 1948). Adoptee par la Conference gk- n~rale de l'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa trente et uni~me session, San Francisco, 9 juillet 1948 :

D nonciation de C uba ....................................................................................................... 555

N 0

4738. Convention (n

107) concernant la protection et l'intkgration des

populations aborigenes et autres populations tribales et semi- tribales dans les pays independants. Adoptee par la Conference g6- nkrale de I'Organisation internationale du Travail A sa quaranti~me session, Gen~ve, 26 juin 1957 :

D ~nonciation de la B olivie ............................................................................................... 557

NO 16064. Convention (n

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