[PDF] PC 2016 - Decitre


Test your instincts at trust and deception in an action-filled, multiplayer first-person shooter. You wake up in unknown surroundings to the sound of the Game Master’s unfamiliar voice, surrounded by five others. A third of your group have been infected with a virus, but who will escape?

About This Game

Deceit tests your instincts at trust and deception in an action-filled, multiplayer first-person shooter. You wake up in unknown surroundings to the sound of the Game Master’s unfamiliar voice. Surrounded by five others, a third of your group have been infected with the Game Master’s deadly virus and tasked with taking down the other innocent players. Innocents must stay alert, traverse the three zones and escape through the safety hatch as the infected try to pick you off one by one.

Mature Content Description

The developers describe the content like this:

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